1. Name and address of project for which the waiver is requested:




Zip Code:

Local Building Department Contact Information

Applicant Information:

2. Name of Applicant. If other than the owner, please indicate relationship of applicant to owner in space provided:

First Name:

Last Name:



Zip code:




Relationship to owner:

Owner Information:

3. Please enter the owner information below. If the owner and the applicant are not the same person, please upload a written authorization by owner in space provided:

Owner First Name:

Owner Last Name:



Zip code:




Project and Facility Type:

4. Please check one of the following:

5. Type of facility. Please describe the building (square footage, number of floors). Define the use of the building (i.e., restaurant, office, retail, recreation, hotel/motel, etc.)


Subject Property is a 2-story, 20 unit building currently used as a rental property. Building was built in 1947 and forms part of the Museum Historic District of Miami Beach. Building is located on a 50'x150' site and was built up to all its required setbacks.


Construction Cost:

6. Project Construction Cost (Provide cost for new construction, the addition, or the alteration):

Subject Building is being converted into a Suite Hotel. Modifications include providing accessibility to the first floor through the incorporation of an inclined walkway to the first floor, addition of stair lift to the first floor, renovation of Unit 3 as an ADA unit and renovation of units 6 and 11 to include communication features per code. All other units will have cosmetic work inclusive of paint, new flooring and new fixtures.
Attached construction cost estimates from 2 contractors that are currently bidding the project.

7. Has there been any construction activity on this building during the past three years?

Cost of Construction:


Per Miami Beach Building Department Records, there has been no construction activity within the past 3 years.
The Building Official was engaged in the process of the present waiver and has provided their recommendation for approval of present application (Recommendation attached)


Building Official Recommendation upload:

Construction Status:

8. Project Status: Please check the phase of construction that best describes your project at the time of this application. Describe status.

*Briefly explain why the request has now been referred to the Commission.

Pursuant to Florida Statute 553.509 Vertical Accessibility and the Florida Building Code 6th Edition Section 201.1.1, vertical accessibility shall be provided to all levels above and below occupiable grade level. Present proposal provides the highest level of accessibility allowable without disrupting the character or integrity of the historical building. An ADA unit has been located on the elevated first floor with a lift leading to the renovated unit. Furthermore, the front entry has been adjusted to contain a 1:20 incline to the front door from sidewalk level. Request is to permit building to be relived from vertical accessibility requirement.

Requirements to be Waived.

9. Requirements requested to be waived. Please reference the applicable section of Florida law. Only Florida-specific accessibility requirements may be waived.

Issue 1: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other

Pursuant to Florida Statute 553.509 Vertical Accessibility and the Florida Building Code 6th Edition Section 201.1.1, vertical accessibility shall be provided to all levels above and below occupiable grade level. Present proposal provides the highest level of accessibility allowable without disrupting the character or integrity of the historical building. An ADA unit has been located on the elevated first floor with a lift leading to the renovated unit. Furthermore, the front entry has been adjusted to contain a 1:20 incline to the front door from sidewalk level. Request is to permit building to be relived from vertical accessibility requirement.

Issue 2: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other Need Additional Space
Issue 3: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other Need Additional Space

Grounds for waiver.

10. Grounds for Waiver: The Florida Building Commission may grant waivers of Florida-specific accessibility requirements upon a determination of unnecessary, unreasonable or extreme hardship. Please describe how this project meets the following hardship criteria. Explain all that would apply for consideration of granting the waiver.


Need Additional Space

Owner has made a diligent investigation onto the cost of placing an elevator to fully service all levels of the building. It was found that portion of a unit must be removed for this purpose thereby substantially modifying the historic public interior space of the building and affecting the structural integrity of the historic building.
2 separate costs for this purpose were obtained as a point of comparison.

Cost Estimates For Compliance:

Licensed Design Professional Comments.

11. Licensed Design Professional: Where a licensed design professional has designed the project, his or her comments including his or her signature and professional seal MUST be uploaded.


I have personally met with vendors, contractors and various divisions of our Local Building Department looking for the most effective way in which to bring this building into full compliance. It has been my finding and is my professional opinion that the adjustments and renovations that are being proposed (which include remodeling an existing suite to be ADA compliant, reconfiguring site features to accommodate an ADA incline, making adjustments to 2 additional units for communication features, and adding a lift to access the lower floor of the building) demonstrate a commitment of the property owner toward making the building as accessible as possible without incurring disproportionate costs and without affecting its historic significance.
For this reason, it is my recommendation that t


Design Professional First Name: Design Professional Last Name: Street Address: City: State:

Zip: Email Address: Phone:

Additional Documentation.

12. Upload Additional Documentation: Please upload any documentation such as plans, photographs and anything that will assist the Council and the Commission to determine the appropriate resolution of your request.