1. Name and address of project for which the waiver is requested:




Zip Code:

Local Building Department Contact Information


Applicant Information:

2. Name of Applicant. If other than the owner, please indicate relationship of applicant to owner in space provided:

First Name:

Last Name:



Zip code:




Relationship to owner:


Owner Information:

3. Please enter the owner information below. If the owner and the applicant are not the same person, please upload a written authorization by owner in space provided:

Owner First Name:

Owner Last Name:



Zip code:





Written Authorization:


Project and Facility Type:

4. Please check one of the following:

5. Type of facility. Please describe the building (square footage, number of floors). Define the use of the building (i.e., restaurant, office, retail, recreation, hotel/motel, etc.)

Project is a multi-unit development incl. single-family home style buildings intended for transient lodging use. It is owned and will be operated by a single entity. As this is not a typical hotel configuration, guidance was sought reg. if the development would fall under residential or transient lodging requirements. At a mtg with OC Bldg Dept 8/3/18, it was determined that it would fall under transient lodging requirements and DOJ guidance was sought reg. parking for this non-standard layout.

Construction Cost:

6. Project Construction Cost (Provide cost for new construction, the addition, or the alteration):


Construction Cost upload:

7. Has there been any construction activity on this building during the past three years?

Cost of Construction:

Building Official Recommendation upload:

Construction Status:

8. Project Status: Please check the phase of construction that best describes your project at the time of this application. Describe status.

*Briefly explain why the request has now been referred to the Commission.
The local jurisdiction cannot waive the State requirements even though the parking is not required to be striped across the property per local requirements. (Mini/Max Code in effect). As this project does not fall within the standard definitions of transient lodging for parking, a recommendation to seek a waiver was suggested by the local jurisdiction to waive down to Federal Standards.

Requirements to be Waived.

9. Requirements requested to be waived. Please reference the applicable section of Florida law. Only Florida-specific accessibility requirements may be waived.

Issue 1: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other
We request to waive the 2020 Florida Accessibility Building Code sections 208.3.1, 502.6 and 502.6.1 requirement of penalty signs and the words "PARKING BY DISABLED PERMIT ONLY" for this development down to the required ISA symbol sign per the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.

FACBC 2020
Section 208.3.1 General.
"Designated accessible spaces shall be designed and marked for exclusive use of those individuals who have a severe physical disability and have permanent or temporary mobility problems that substantially impair their ability to ambulate and who have been issued either a disabled parking permit under s. 316.1958 or s. 320.0848 or a license plate under s. 320.084, s. 320.842, s 8320.0843, or s. 320.0845. ... additional space req'd see additional documentation

Issue 2: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other

We request to waive the 2020 Florida Accessibility Building Code sections 502.2 and 502.6.1 requirements of outlining in blue paint down to requiring the width be "marked" per the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.

FACBC 2020
Section 502.2 Vehicle Spaces
"Each parking space must be at least 12 feet wide shall be marked to define the width, and shall have an adjacent access aisle complying with 502.3. see section 406.5 for curb ramp location.
Section 502.6.1 Identification
"Each such parking space must be striped in a manner that is consistent with the standards of the controlling jurisdiction for other spaces and prominently outlined with blue paint, and must be repainted when necessary, to be clearly distinguishable as a ... additional space req'd see additional documentation

Issue 3: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other

We request to waive the 2020 Florida Accessibility Building Code section 502.3.3 requirement of diagonally striping in an accessible parking access aisle, down to "marking" per the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.

FACBC 2020
Section 502.3.3 Marking
"Access aisles shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them. The access aisle must be striped diagonally to designate it as a no-parking zone."
2010 Standards
Section 502.3 Marking
"Access aisles shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them."

Grounds for waiver.

10. Grounds for Waiver: The Florida Building Commission may grant waivers of Florida-specific accessibility requirements upon a determination of unnecessary, unreasonable or extreme hardship. Please describe how this project meets the following hardship criteria. Explain all that would apply for consideration of granting the waiver.


Striping of parking is not required by local jurisdiction for parking. The following is a quick summary, but additional space is need and full comments can be viewed in the Interplan Letter attachment under additional documentation.
"The hardship is caused by a condition or set of conditions affecting the owner which does not affect owners in general." Striping of parking is not required by local jurisdiction for parking. Marking/signing these in accordance with the FACBC will isolate and target the guests staying in the accessible units as vulnerable as they are clearly associated with these parking areas.
The Federal Standards allow for a more integrated look (colors/pavers and signage) to help integrate these spaces back into the community and reduce vulnerable population targeting.

Need Additional Space
Cost Estimates For Compliance:

Licensed Design Professional Comments.

11. Licensed Design Professional: Where a licensed design professional has designed the project, his or her comments, including his or her signature and professional seal, MUST be uploaded.

The Grand Cypress Core Village project was designed with a non-standard layout for a transient lodging facility. It
was designed to look and feel more like single family homes. However, this project will be operated as a hotel and

Design Professional First Name:
Design Professional Last Name: Street Address: City: State:

Zip: Email Address: Phone:

Additional Documentation.

12. Upload Additional Documentation: Please upload any documentation such as plans, photographs, or anything that will assist the Council and the Commission to determine the appropriate resolution of your request.