46.       Develop Strategic Plan for Energy Standards Revision Pursuant to s.553.9061, F.S.





Sub-Task 1:

  • Identify compliance methods used in current national model and Florida energy code
  • Describe how the compliance methods work


Sib-Task 2:

  • Create a matrix of IECC and FEECBC characteristics for each method
  • Evaluate for flexibility to implement future efficiency increases

Sub-Task 3:

  • Select compliance method characteristics that provide the maximum potential to implement the 553.9061 mandated efficiency increases to form the strategic plan




Sub-Task 1:    Major Compliance Methods and How They Work



(a)        Major Compliance Method Types from All Codes:



            Component Performance






Compliance Method Types used in the Codes under consideration:


IECC                                                   ASHRAE 90.1                                    FEC

   Prescriptive                                        Prescriptive                                        Prescriptive

   Component Performance                   Component Performance

   Performance                                       Performance                                       Performance





(b)        How the Compliance Methods Work –

Note: Each Code/Standard has a little different way of implementing

          the major compliance methods, which will be identified in the





  • Provides minimum efficiency criteria for building components that contribute to energy use
  • Does not allow trade off of increased efficiency of one component for lower efficiency of another
  • Simple with uniform requirements for efficiency of components for all similar buildings
  • May or may not require equal overall efficiency for buildings with different building features and construction types



  • Establishes an overall energy efficiency target (or translated energy cost budget) for the entire building
  • Allows trade off of efficiencies between components to achieve the overall efficiency target
  • Requires calculation of overall building energy use to determine the appropriate trade off between component efficiencies
  • May or may not require equal overall efficiency for buildings with different building features and construction types


Component Performance:

  • Provides minimum efficiency criteria for HVAC equipment, water heating equipment and lighting components (commercial)
  • Allows trade off of efficiencies between building envelope components based on R/U values
  • Does not allow trade off for window solar control properties
  • A hybrid of the prescriptive and performance methods that is traditionally appropriate to heating dominated climates where air to air heat transfer is more significant