Commentator /Mod



Staff comment



Joe Belcher


Chapter 2

PUBLIC COMMENT 1: Change definition of “shear wall” to same as in Section 2102.1:

SHEAR WALL. A wall designed to resist lateral forces parallel to the plane of the wall.

The Commission approved changing the definition of Shear Wall in Section 2102.1. The same definition needs to be changed in Chapter 2, Definitions. Makes code consistent.

Recommend approval


Joe Belcher


Chapter 2

PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The following definitions related to seismic design were deleted in the original Mod 2677 and are deleted in Draft 2. However, the terms still appear in Chapter 2 Definitions of Draft 2 with a reference to this Section. They should be stricken from Chapter 2 as well.

          Detailed plain masonry shear wall. A masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces neglecting stresses in reinforcement, and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.

          Intermediate prestressed masonry shear wall. A prestressed masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces considering stresses in reinforcement, and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.2.

          Intermediate reinforced masonry shear wall. A masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces considering stresses in reinforcement, and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.

          Ordinary plain masonry shear wall. A masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces neglecting stresses in reinforcement, and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.

          Ordinary plain prestressed masonry shear wall. A prestressed masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces considering stresses in reinforcement, and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.1.

          Ordinary reinforced masonry shear wall. A masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces considering stresses in reinforcement, and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.

          Special prestressed masonry shear wall. A prestressed masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces considering stresses in reinforcement and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.3 except that only grouted, laterally restrained tendons are used.

          Special reinforced masonry shear wall. A masonry shear wall designed to resist lateral forces considering stresses in reinforcement, and designed in accordance with Section 2106.1.1.

Same as above.

Makes code consistent. Recommend approval


Bryan Yarnell, Esq. representing the Pool Safety Consortium.



4101.6.1, 4101.6.3, 424.2.6.3,  424.2.6.6, 4101.6.6

Sections referenced should be reconsidered because of the following:

  1. APSP is a more dangerous and harmful standard; it is ambiguous and more difficult to enforce.
  2. Petitioner was not accorded due process because of the cancellation of the May 2007 TAC meeting.
  3. The Commission will exceed its delegated authority because it fails to implement a Florida-specific modification.
  4. The change will increase the risk of fatal pool accidents by eliminating critical pool safety features.


Watterson, delete mods 2704 – 2708.  existing code provides tertiary methods, proposals allow local officials, no Florida specific reason for changing the code.  The standards exempt water parks.  Aug 1, US CPSC, top 5 household hazards included spa and drain entrapment. 

Jennifer Hatfield, the accidents mentioned by Watterson were in pools  that were not built to ANSI standards.

Reject procedural claim due to processes in place, Consortium failed to participate in TAC meeting code modification process.



Design plan and systems approval. Plan review pertaining to installation of manufactured buildings and construction activities conducted at the site of the installation shall be conducted pursuant to Chapter 1 hereof. Plan review pertaining to construction activities occurring within the manufacturing process shall be conducted by those third-party agencies as follows: third-party agencies shall review plans in conformity with Chapter 1 hereof and the following additional requirements: If the plans are for a residential manufactured building, certification from the design professional  responsible for the plans that the structure has been designed only for erection or installation on a site built permanent foundation in accordance with this code and is not designed to be moved once so erected or installed. If the residential manufactured building is transportable in one or more sections and is 8 body feet or more in width or 40 body feet (12 192 mm) or more in length, or, when erected on site, is 320 square feet (29 m2) or more, and which is built on a permanent chassis, the manufacturer shall certify that the manufactured building has been excluded from regulation by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Changes needed for clarity.

Recommend approval



Ch 5



Michael Hoover, add fully sprinklered 2 story, 3 story anchored building, is past deadline for submitting proposed code change.

Ann Stanton


Subchapter 13-4

Make a universal change to reference the EnergyGauge Summit Fla/Com instead of Fla/Com for consistency and reference.

Change made to treat the program as a referenced standard for code consistency. Editorial. Recommend approval.


Ann Stanton


Subchapter  13-6

Make a universal change to reference the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res instead of Fla/Res for consistency and reference.

Same as above. Editorial. Recommend approval.


Ann Stanton



Add the criteria in red to Section 13-604.A.4 from Mod 2364 changes to Section 13-607.1.A.5 as shown:

13-607.A.4 Installation criteria for homes claiming the cool roof option. The  cool roof option may be claimed in the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res computer program  where the roof to be installed has a tested solar reflectance of greater than 4 percent when evaluated in accordance with ASTM methods E-903, C-1549, E-1918 or CRRC Method #1.  In cases where the roof materials have not been tested, the reflectance for the As-Built home shall be assumed to be 4 percent.  Emittance values provided by the roofing manufacturer in accordance with ASTM C-1371 shall be used when available.  In cases where the appropriate data are not known, emittance shall be the same as the Baseline Home. Testing of a qualifying sample of the roofing material shall be performed by an approved independent laboratory with these results provided by the manufacturer.


This provision of Mod 2364 was left out when the cool roof option was included in the revisions made in Mod 2327. Oversight. Recommend approval.


Ann Stanton



Add the following criteria back into Subchapter 13-6 from current subsection 13-610.2.A.2.1:

13-610.A.3  Installation criteria for homes claiming the factory-sealed air-handling unit option.  The factory-sealed air-handling unit option may be claimed in the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res computer program if the unit has been tested and certified by the manufacturer to have achieved a 2 percent or less leakage rate at 1-inch water gauge when all air inlets, air outlets and condensate drain port(s), when present, are sealed at an air pressure of 1-inch water gauge with no greater than 2-percent design cubic foot per minute discharge.


Florida-specific provision inadvertently left out of Revision to Mod 2329.

Recommend approval


Ann Stanton


Subchapter 13-3

Add the following referenced standards to Subchapter 13-3:


FSEC               Florida Solar Energy Center

1679 Clearlake Road

Cocoa, FL 32922-5703                         


Standard reference               Title                                                        Referenced in Code                                                                                                                                                       Section Number

2007                            EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res [add as needed]


2007                            EnergyGauge Summit Fla/Com           [add as needed]


Treat programs as  referenced standards for code consistency. Editorial. Recommend approval.


Philip Fairey

EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res 2007 (as a referenced standard)

Changes made to the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res 2007 computer program after June, 2007, include the following: 

1)      Specific modifications were made to implement Florida’s code in accordance with the provisions of Mod 2327.

2)      New software name (as above) to make it specific to Florida’s code.

3)      Some inputs added, some inputs removed to comply with approved Mods.

4)      New reporting forms created per Mods 2327 and 2329.

5)      Windows input page redesigned to include NFRC Label radio button, remove “calculate” button, assume defaults if no NFRC label.

6)      U-Factor and SHGC defaults changed to reflect Florida code values.

7)      Cool roof changed as follows: similar to NFRC ratings for windows, solar absorptance check box added for tested product, or default.

8)      Factory-sealed air handler option added to software per Florida’s code

9)      Default distribution efficiency set at 88% per Mod 2367.

10)  Proposed air duct leakage input selection result in leakage testing reqt.

11)  Compliance report enhanced to allow up to 5 window types, delete credit points used in old code method, add notes for factory-sealed air handling unit, leak-free duct systems & tested roof reflectance.

Changes implement revisions to code made by approved mods and make the program Florida-specific. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton

Appendix 13-A

Add the following town to the Jurisdictional Data list:

Permitting Office    Jurisdiction Number       Climate Zone    Reporting Group     

  Alachua                       111400                                  3                        III

The following jurisdictions are removed from the JD list because they are permitted through Lake County:

  Clermont                     451200                                  5                        III

  Montverde                   452100                                  5                        III

Update list of reporting code jurisdictions to reflect active building departments. Code consistency. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton


Appendix 13-D

Change the EPL Display Card [in part] as shown to reflect changes made to the energy code:


The lower higher the Energy Performance Index score, the more efficient the home.


15. HVAC credits claimed (Alternate Point System Method only)


I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features.


*NOTE: The home’s estimated Eenergy Pperformance Index score is available through the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res 2007 computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your index score is below 100 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPA/DOA Energy Star_designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at (321)/638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida’s Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affairs at (850) /487-1824.


**Label required by Section 13-104.4.5 of the Florida Building Code, Building, or Section B2.1.1 of Appendix G of the Florida Building Code, Residential, if not DEFAULT.

Changes are required to make this form consistent between the code and it’s sister program, the Building Energy Rating System. Editorial. Recommend approval.






Mod 2383 lightweight insulating concrete.  See June meeting.

Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 3: Change as a result of action taken in Mod 2677 to read as shown:

2107.1 General.  The design of masonry structures using allowable stress design shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 1 and 2 of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 except as modified by Section 2107.2.  Lap splices shall be in accordance with ACI 530/ ASC5/ TMS 402 or in accordance with 2107.3 or 2107.5 2107.4 as specified by the architect or engineer.

Renumbering of sections requires this change. Editorial. Recommend approval


Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 4: Add a sentence to provide a clear differentiation between the lap splice reference and the development length reference. This is a merely a clarification and has no substantive effect on the calculation of these requirements. Leaving as written in Draft 2 will result in confusion and may result in improper design.


2107.1 General.  The design of masonry structures using allowable stress design shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 1 and 2 of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 except as modified by Section 2107.2.  Lap splices shall be in accordance with ACI 530/ ASC5/ TMS 402 or in accordance with 2107.3 or 2107.5 as specified by the architect or engineer. Development of bars in tension and compression shall be in accordance with ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 or in accordance with 2107.4 as specified by the architect or engineer.

Needed for code clarity. Recommend approval.


Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 6: For clarity add section number of the provisions of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 being modified at beginning of second paragraph of 2107.4.

2107.4 ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, Section, Development of bars in tension and compression. Modify Section as follows:  The required development length of reinforcing bars shall be determined by Eq. (2-9), but shall not be less than 12 in. (305 mm), but need not be greater than 72 db.


            EQUATION 2-9 from ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402    [UNCHANGED]


Recommend approval


Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 7: The modification of the gamma factors of Section 2107.4 approved by the Commission in Mod 2677 were not carried forward to Draft 2. Correct the Section by inserting the factors at Section 2107.4 as shown.

2107.4 ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, Section, Development of bars in tension and compression. Modify Section as follows: The required development length of reinforcing bars shall be determined by Eq. (2-9), but shall not be less than 12 in. (305 mm), but need not be greater than 72 db.


         EQUATION 2-9 UNCHANGED from ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402


K shall not exceed the lesser of the masonry cover, clear spacing between adjacent reinforcement, nor 5  times db .


γ = 1.0 for No. 3 (M#10) through No. 5 (M#16) bars;

γ = 1.04 for No. 6 (M#19) through No. 7 (M#22) bars; and

γ = 1.2 for No. 8 (M#25) through No. 11 (M#36) bars


Where epoxy coated bars are used, lap length shall be increased by 50 percent.


Proponent is correct. This went through the Commission but is not in Draft 2 of the 2007 FBC. Corrections will be made to Draft 2.

No action needed.


Joe Belcher




Renumber as shown:  2107.5 2107.6

Editorial. Recommend approval.


Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 9: Correct references at Section 2108.1 General.

2108.1 General. The design of masonry structures using strength design shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 1 and 3 of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, except as modified by Sections 2108.2 and 2108.3 through 2108.4.

Editorial. Recommend approval.


Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 10: For clarity insert word Section between TMS 402 and 1.6 in Exception 2, Line 3 of Section 2108, Strength Design of Masonry, 2108.1 General.  Change to read as shown.

2108.1 General. The design of masonry structures using strength design shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 1 and 3 of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, except as modified by Sections 2108.2 through 2108.4.


1.  AAC masonry shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 1 and Appendix A of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402.

2. Where inspections are performed by a local building department in accordance with Section 105, the provisions of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, Chapter 1, Section 1-15 and ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 Section 1.6 shall not apply unless specified by the architect or engineer.


Editorial for clarity. Recommend approval


Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 11: Delete Section 2108.2 as shown in Draft 2 and renumber Section 2108.3 as shown in Draft 2 as Section 2108.2. The Sections are duplicates and say the same thing. There has been some confusion regarding the fact that Equation 3-15 is not contained in the code. The reference is to an equation contained in ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402. The Section, 2108.2 modifies Section of the standard, but, makes no changes to Equation 3-15. This is the same as is done with Equation 2-9 in Section 2107.4 shown in Public Comment 6 above.


Section 2108 Strength Design of Masonry

2108.1 General.  Change to read as shown:

2108.1 General. The design of masonry structures using strength design shall comply with Section 2106 and the requirements of Chapters 1 and 3 of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, except as modified by Sections 2108.2 through 2108.4.


1.  AAC masonry shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 1 and Appendix A of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402.

2. Where inspections are performed by a local building department in accordance with Section 105, the provisions of ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, Chapter 1, Section 1.14  1-15 and ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 1.6B shall not apply unless specified by the architect or engineer.


2108. 2 ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, Section development


2108.3ACI530/ASCE5/TMS402, Section3.3.3.4, splices. Modify items (b) and (c) of Section3.3.3.4 as follows: A welded splice shall have the bars butted and welded to develop atl east 125 percent of  the  yield strength, ƒy, of the bar in tension or compression, as required. Welded splices shall be of ASTMA706 steel reinforcement. Welded splices shall not be permitted in plastic hinge zones

of intermediate or special reinforced walls or special moment frames of masonry. splices shall be classified asType1 or 2 according to Section ACI 318. Type1 mechanical splices shall not be used within a plastic hinge zone or within  a beam-column joint of intermediate or special reinforced masonry shear walls or special moment frames. Type 2 mechanical splices are permitted in any location within a member


2108.3 ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, Section  Modify Section as follows: Development. The required development length of reinforcement shall be determined by Eq. (3-15), but shall not be less than 12 in. (305 mm) and need not be greater than 72 db.



Proposal clarifies the code. Recommend approval


Joe Belcher



PUBLIC COMMENT 12: The modification of the gamma factors at Section 2108.3 approved by the Commission in Mod 2677 were not carried forward to Draft 2. Correct the section by inserting the modified factors at Section 2108.2.


2108.2 2108.3 ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, Section  Modify Section as follows: Development - The required development length of reinforcement shall be determined by Eq. (3-15), but shall not be less than 12 in. (305 mm) and need not be greater than 72 db.




K shall not exceed the lesser of the masonry cover,  clear spacing between adjacent reinforcement, nor 5  times db .


γ = 1.0 for No. 3 (M#10) through No. 5 (M#16) bars;


γ = 1.04 for No. 6 (M#19) through No. 7 (M#22)

bars; and


γ = 1.2 for No. 8 (M#25) through No. 11 (M#36) bars


Where epoxy coated bars are used, lap length shall be increased by 50 percent.



Proponent is correct. This went through the Commission but is not in Draft 2 of the 2007 FBC. Editorial. Corrections will be made to Draft 2.

No action needed.



Jaime Gascon


TAS 110

Sections 9, 10 and 11 footnotes to tables were not included in Draft 2.

Add footnote 1. to Section 9 table:

All Underlayments with exposure limitation in excess of 30 days must submit enhanced Accelerated Weathering testing in conjunction with applicable Physical Properties testing. Exposure limitations up to a maximum of 180 days will be established through ASTM D 4798 as outlined in ASTM D 5147 for 1000 hours (cycle A); pass/fail established by physical properties testing of  the weathered samples. Physical properties testing where specimen size will not fit into the accelerated weathering device may be omitted. 


Add footnote 1. to Section 10 table:

All Underlayments with exposure limitation in excess of 30 days must submit enhanced Accelerated Weathering testing in conjunction with applicable Physical Properties testing. Exposure limitations up to a maximum of 180 days will be established through ASTM D 4798 as outlined in ASTM D 5147 for 1000 hours (cycle A); pass/fail established by physical properties testing of  the weathered samples. Physical properties testing where specimen size will not fit into the accelerated weathering device may be omitted.


Add footnote 3. to Section 11 table:

All Underlayments with exposure limitation in excess of 30 days must submit enhanced Accelerated Weathering testing in conjunction with applicable Physical Properties testing. Exposure limitations up to a maximum of 180 days will be established through ASTM D 4798 as outlined in ASTM D 5147 for 1000 hours (cycle A); pass/fail established by physical properties testing of  the weathered samples. Physical properties testing where specimen size will not fit into the accelerated weathering device may be omitted.


Editorial. Footnotes are in the supplement to the 2007 FBC. Will be addressed to the ICC editor.

No action needed.


Jaime Gascon


TAS 110

Section 17 table footnote was not included in Draft 2:

Add footnote 1 to Section 17 table:

All Underlayments with exposure limitation in excess of 30 days must submit enhanced Accelerated Weathering testing in conjunction with applicable Physical Properties testing. Exposure limitations up to a maximum of 180 days will be established through ASTM D 4798 as outlined in ASTM D 5147 for 1000 hours (cycle A); pass/fail established by physical properties testing of  the weathered samples. Physical properties testing where specimen size will not fit into the accelerated weathering device may be omitted.


Editorial. Footnotes are in the supplement to the 2007 FBC. Will be addressed to the ICC editor. No action needed.



Ann Stanton

IMC ‘06


Change Section 306.3 as shown to delete Exception 2. It was added by way of a change to the ICC.  It would allow attic walkways to be 50 feet long, which is contrary to the Florida court ruling on air handlers in attics.


Section 306.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances…removal of the largest appliance.


1.        The passageway and level service space are not required where the appliance is capable of being serviced and removed through the required opening.

2.        Where the passageway is not less than 6 feet (1829 mm) high and 22 inches wide for its entire length, the passageway shall be not greater than 50 feet (15 250 mm) in length


Make code consistent with court ruling. Recommend approval



Ann Stanton

FL specific


Change Section 403.1.1.2 as shown:


403.1.1.2  Occupancy content calculation. The occupancy content of a building, which determines the number of water closets required for men, shall be calculated using the square footage per person requirements established by the Florida Building Code, Building building code in effect in a jurisdiction.


The building code in effect statewide is the Florida Building Code, Building. Editorial. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton

IFGC ‘06

FUEL GAS 306.3

Change Section 306.3 to delete Exception 2 as shown. It was added by way of a change to the ICC. It would allow attic walkways to be 50 feet long, which is contrary to the Florida court ruling on air handlers in attics.

Section 306.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances… removal of the largest component of the appliance.


1.       The passageway and level service space are not required where the appliance is capable of being serviced and removed through the required opening.

2.       Where the passageway is not less than 6 feet (1829 mm) high for its entire length, the passageway shall be not greater than 50 feet (15 250 mm) in length.


Make code consistent with court ruling. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton



Change Section 306.3.1 as shown:

306.3.1 Electrical requirements. A lighting fixture with receptacle outlet, controlled by a switch located at the required passageway opening and a receptacle outlet, shall be provided so as to light the passageway and service area and installed at or near the equipment located in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Florida Building Code, Building.

Editorial. Recommend approval



Ann Stanton


Chapter 11

Change references to the “Fla/Res” computer program to “EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res” for consistency and reference.


Change made to treat the program as a referenced standard for code consistency. Editorial. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton



Add the criteria in red to Section N1104.A.4 from Mod 2364 changes to Section 13-607.1.A.5 as shown:

N1104.A.4 Installation criteria for homes claiming the cool roof option. The  cool roof option may be claimed in the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res computer program where the roof to be installed has a tested solar reflectance of greater than 4 percent when evaluated in accordance with ASTM methods E-903, C-1549, E-1918 or CRRC Method #1.  In cases where the roof materials have not been tested, the reflectance for the As-Built home shall be assumed to be 4 percent.  Emittance values provided by the roofing manufacturer in accordance with ASTM C-1371 shall be used when available.  In cases where the appropriate data are not known, emittance shall be the same as the Baseline Home. Testing of a qualifying sample of the roofing material shall be performed by an approved independent laboratory with these results provided by the manufacturer.

Clause was overlooked when This provision of Mod 2364 was left out when the cool roof option was included in the revisions made in Mod 2327. Oversight. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton



Add the following criteria into Chapter 11 from current subsection 13-610.2.A.2.1:

N1110.A.3  Installation criteria for homes claiming the factory-sealed air-handling unit option.  The factory-sealed air-handling unit option may be claimed in the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res computer program if the unit has been tested and certified by the manufacturer to have achieved a 2 percent or less leakage rate at 1-inch water gauge when all air inlets, air outlets and condensate drain port(s), when present, are sealed at an air pressure of 1-inch water gauge with no greater than 2-percent design cubic foot per minute discharge.


Florida-specific provision inadvertently left out of Revision to Mod 2327.

Recommend approval


Ann Stanton

IRC ‘06


Change Section M1305.1.3 as shown to delete Exception 2. It was added by way of a change to the ICC.  It would allow attic walkways to be 50 feet long, which is contrary to the Florida court ruling on air handlers in attics.


Section M1305.1.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances…removal of the largest appliance.


1.      The passageway and level service space are not required where the appliance is capable of being serviced and removed through the required opening.

2.      Where the passageway is unobstructed and not less than 6 feet (1829 mm) high and 22 inches wide for its entire length, the passageway shall be not greater than 50 feet (15 250 mm) in length.



Make code consistent with court ruling. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton


Chapter 43

FSEC               Florida Solar Energy Center

1679 Clearlake Road

Cocoa, FL 32922-5703                         


Standard reference               Title                                                        Referenced in Code                                                                                                                                                     Section Number

2007                            EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res       [add as needed]


Treat program as a referenced standard for code consistency. Editorial. Recommend approval


Ann Stanton

Chapter 43


720-05  Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Warning Equipment in Dwelling Units                                                                                              R313

Delete because Legislation on CO alarms preempts this mod. Address later.

Recommend approval


Ann Stanton


Change Section R4410.1 as shown:


R4410.1 General

R4410.1.1 Exterior wall cladding…through R4415.

R4410.1.2 Exterior wall cladding, surfacing…wind-borne debris. [1-2 no change]

R4410.1.3 Workmanship. Cladding…in Chapter 43.

R4410.1.4 All exterior wall cladding…shall have Product Approval.

As read, there are two Section R4410.2s in the code. Adding the .1 will make Section R4410.1 consistent with other treatment in Chapter 44 and avoid confusion. Recommend approval