Highlight of important changes in the 2010 Florida Building Code, Fuel Gas

Note:  Text highlighted in blue represent Florida specific changes. 

            Text highlighted in black represent ICC specific changes.

Chapter 1: Administration (No highlight changes)

Chapter 2: Definition

Definitions of the following terms were revised: Appliance and equipment.

Chapter 3: General Regulations

301.11 – Revise to reference flood provision of Section 1612.4 of FBC, Building.

306.3/306.4 – Revise access requirement for appliances in attics and under floors.

Chapter 4: Gas Piping Installation

404.1 – Clarify requirements for fuel gas piping prohibited locations.

404.4 – Add new section to clarify the prohibition for fuel gas penetrating a foundation wall.

404.6 – Clarify the requirements for installation of piping in solid floors.

404.8 – Add new section for pipe isolation.

408.4 – Revise the criteria for sediment trap.

409.5 – Reformatted to clarify appliance shutoff valve requirements.

411.3.1 – Clarify the maximum length of connectors.

Chapter 5: Chimneys and Vents (No highlight changes)

Chapter 6: Specific Appliances

614.6 – Clarify the requirements for domestic clothes dryer ducts.

Chapter 7: Gaseous Hydrogen Systems (No highlight changes)

Chapter 8: Referenced Standards (No highlight changes)