Education Administrator Activity Report

October 3, 2007 – December 7, 2007)


The following information represents the activities that the Education Administrator performed between October 3, 2007, and December 7, 2007 (45 work days).


Phone Calls

Approximately 50 phone calls were taken and/or responded to between 10/03/07 and 12/07/07. They lasted in length from 1-2 minutes to 15 minutes. Approximately two thirds of the calls were logged, with approximately one – third being handled away from the office. The major areas of inquiry for the calls are listed below with approximate percentages representing how many of a particular call were handled.




Approximately 40 emails were responded to between 10/03/07 and 12/07/07. The same kinds of areas were covered with emails as the above phone calls reflect. At least 30 % of the emails were asking “where to find the core course”.






Prepared By Michael Clark

Education Administrator (850.694.2225)