Product Approval POC

December 4, 2006
8:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M.

Tampa , Florida
Embassy Suites Hotel
3705 Spectrum Blvd , 33612

Product Approval POC Attendees: Ed Carson, Herminio Gonzales, Christ Sanidas, Nan Dean, Chris Schulte. Staff present were Mo Madani, Joe Bigelow

There was a quorum present.

1 . The minutes for the October 10 POC meeting were approved as presented. The agenda was modified to add two items.

A. To discuss a letter from Senator Jim Bennett, regarding the acceptance of state product approval at the local level.

B. To address the posting of the A&A survey on the BCIS system.

2 . Update on prototype program, by Applied Research Associates, Inc. A status report was provided by ARA. Bill York, a subcontractor with ARA, was present. He stated that they only have reviewed 5 plans and they are continuing to lose financially on the program. Mr. York stated there there has been a slowdown on construction in certain areas of the state. DiVosta/Pulte has submitted a total of 109 use requests and the “System” continues to be working well.

3 . Manufactured Buildings Program Issues: Report deferred to the February 07 meeting

4 . Product Approval Program Staff Report

•  Update on BCIS Improvements. New deployment of a patch is being provided December 11 th .

•  Meeting January 24 th to review Product Approval Validation Workgroup Report and Staff integration of report into Rule 9B-72. The Committee agreed that 9am on the 24 th at RACCA was acceptable.

•  The new Product Approval Cutoff Dates were posted since the last meeting. Staff reported that there was a shift back three days to provide more time to allocate to review.

•  Product Approval and Entities Statistics Report. A report was included in the package for the committee, which provided for a number of products and entities approved to date.

5. Discussion of Declaratory Statements: The committee discussed and provided recommendation on the following requests for Declaratory Statement:

DCA06-DEC-273 by Jack McLaughlin
DCA06-DEC-282 by Bert Kolodziej
DCA06-DEC-283 by James Lozier

6 . A&A Report

• A&A provided a report with recommendations on four entities for consideration:
1. CER 3718, CSA International  – ( Product Certification Agency)
2. QUA 5922, R I Ogawa & Associates, Inc.  – ( Product Quality Assurance Entity)
3. TST 3782, American Test Lab of South Florida Inc. – ( Product Testing Laboratory)
4. TST 1685, Construction Consulting Laboratory International – ( Product Testing Laboratory)
5. TST 3666, SGS US Testing Co - Rancho – ( Product Testing Laboratory)
6. TST 6049, Exterior Research and Design, LLC - dba Trinity|ERD - South Carolina – ( Product Testing Laboratory)
7. TST 5992, Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc . – ( Product Testing Laboratory)
8. VAL 6050, Exterior Research and Design, LLC - dba Trinity|ERD  - ( Product Validation Entity)

7 . Other Issues:

•  The Committee discussed Jesus Gonzales' letter regarding Quality Assurance problems with Associations and decided to agenda the items for consideration at the February Product Approval POC.

•  The A&A Performance Survey – The committee discussed whether the survey reports and the names of individuals and comments need to be posted on the BCIS. Action taken: The Committee agreed that the survey reports should not be posted on the BCIS, however the report can be made available to the POC members and any interested persons upon request.

•  Regarding Senator Jim Bennett's letter, the committee discussed the request and solicited public comments on the subject from the three counties of concern, (Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach ). The representative of these counties expressed the desire to work with the Commission to provide the necessary clarification to their specific jurisdictions/building officials regarding the treatment or acceptance of the state approval.

8. Action needed by the Commission:

1Action on item 6(A).

2. Action on products reviewed for approval, conditional approval, deferral, and denial be approved .

9 . Adjourned at 11:30 A.M.