Product Approval POC

August 20, 2007
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Embassy Suites Hotel
3705 Spectrum Blvd , 33612

Product Approval POC Attendees: Ed Carson - Chair, Herminio Gonzalez, Nan Dean, Chris Schulte, Christ Sanidas, and Paul Kidwell.  Staff present were Mo Madani and Joe Bigelow.

There was a quorum present.

1.  The minutes for the June 24th POC meeting were approved as presented.  The agenda was approved as submitted.

2. Manufactured Building Issues:  Michael Ashworth, Program Manager for the Manufactured Buildings Program, presented the POC with a new fee schedule for the plans review by CRA for public schools.  This item is a contractual item and the POC voted to support the fee increase as presented.

3.  Product Approval Program Staff Report
(A).  Product Approval and Entities Statistics Report.
Staff recommended deferral for this item and an up to date report on statistics be uploaded to the website.

(B) Discussion of schedule of penalties for validation entities:  Staff provided the POC with specific language for inclusion into Rule 9B-72.  The POC voted in favor of an additional hearing on Rule 9B-72 in October for discussion of new disciplinary language to be added to the Rule.  Staff will provide the new language drafted by DCA attorneys to the POC through email. POC voted to request that the Commission during October meeting to consider schedule for penalties for validation entities.

(C). Discussion of possible manufacturer and validator relationships in applications:
FL8662; FL8644; FL8661; FL8659; FL8664; FL8629; FL8655; FL8653; FL8695; FL8651; FL8658; FL8657; FL8665; FL8709; FL8660; FL7513; FL8654; FL8652; FL8690; FL8631

The POC was in agreement with staff to have this item heard at the next meeting in light of the validator not being able to attend the August meetng.

(D).  Discussion of concerns raised on products FL4097-R1, FL4229-R1, FL4230-R1:  The POC took action on the following: Staff would work with the administrator, to advise the manufacturer that his or her application need to be revised to remove language which allows through engineering higher pressure or different size of products and if needed, and if needed utilizing the Declaratory Statement process.

For products FL7085, FL5438 and FL7590: No action needed, the test report is not part of the product approval process.  The test method is part of the product approval.

A.    (E) Discussion of letter regarding Construtech hardware

The Commission has no authority to address this issue, however staff was directed to forward the complaint to the party of concern.


4. Discussion of Declaratory Statement: The committee discussed and provided recommendation on the following request for the following Declaratory Statement:

DCA07-DEC-085 by Walter A TIllit, Jr., Tilteco, Inc.

Committee action:  The POC deferred consideration of the declaratory statement until the next meeting for additional information and for assignment to the appropriate Technical Advisory Committee.

5.  Jesus Gonzales Discussion and Staff Letter

The Committee reviewed a revised draft letter from staff which provides one option for consideration, a draft letter from Joe Belcher which provides for three options, and Jamie Gascon, Miami Dade BCCO, and Jon Hill, Keystone Certs, who also provided another option for consideration.  The committee agreed that option 1 as drafted by the staff, option 2 as drafted by Jamie Gascon are to be included in the letter.  In addition the committee has directed staff to work with Joe Belcher to improve on option 3 which consists of option 2 and 3 of Joe Belcher’s proposals.  After working closely with Joe Belcher, staff will draft a new letter which consists of options for approval by the Committee at the October meeting.

Committee action:  The

6. A&A Report

(A) Discussion of deadlines:  The POC agreed with the Administrator’s proposal to add a conditional validation deadline date to 5 days prior to the new application deadline.  This is in order to prevent conflicts of new applications coming in while processing old conditional applications.  The Committee also agreed to move the validation deadline for 2008 two days prior to the current scheduling to twenty one days from the validation deadline.  This will also provide nine days for review and alleviate any conditional approvals that could be avoided.

(B) Review product approval and entity applications.
      The committee reviewed and provided recommendation on product applications provided by A&A.  See attached report.

FL 9169 was forwarded on to the roofing TAC for consideration and review.

 (C). Discuss applications FL1453, FL1453-R1 and FL6112 to begin process of revocation

(E).  A&A provided a report with recommendations on nine entities for consideration as follows:

1.  TST 6626, Professional Service Industries Inc./Houston  - (Product Testing Laboratory) - Approved

2. TST 2452, Terrapin Testing Inc. - (Product Testing Laboratory)- Approved

3. TST 6781, Intertek Testing Services Middleton Lab – (Product Testing Laboratory)- Approved

4.  CER 3471, PFS Corporation – (Product Certification Agency) – Approved

8. Adjourned at 5:10 P.M.


Action needed by the Commission:

1.  Action:  The POC voted to request an additional hearing on Rule 9B-72 during October Commission meeting to consider schedule for penalties for validation entities.

2. Action on the following entities:

1.  TST 6626, Professional Service Industries Inc./Houston  - (Product Testing Laboratory) - Approved

2. TST 2452, Terrapin Testing Inc. - (Product Testing Laboratory)- Approved

3. TST 6781, Intertek Testing Services Middleton Lab – (Product Testing Laboratory)- Approved

4.  CER 3471, PFS Corporation – (Product Certification Agency) – Conditional Approval

3). Discuss applications FL1453, FL1453-R1 and FL6112 to begin process of revocation