Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee

Tampa, Florida

August 20, 2007





Voting Members Present:

Larry Banks, Steve Bassett, Joe Crum, Jim Cummings, Mike McCombs, Don Pittman, and Pete Quintela. Staff support was provided by Ann Stanton. The meeting was facilitated by Jeff Blair.


The meeting was convened at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Steve Bassett. A quorum of seven voting members was achieved.   Both the Agenda and minutes from the 6/26/07 meeting were approved.  The meeting was held concurrent with a meeting of the Electrical TAC.


Meeting Activities:


The TAC reviewed draft rule 9B-3.0472 requiring carbon monoxide alarms near sleeping rooms. It was pointed out by Rick Dixon that the rule is needed to handle buildings impacted by the mandated carbon monoxide law after its effective date and before the code goes into effect and that the law required the alarms permitted after 7/1/08 (the code uses date of submittal for a permit).  Comments from the TAC and public brought out the following points: that wood stoves should be included, that the scope of the requirement should be broadened to all buildings because other devices such as generators and pressure washers can cause CO poisoning, and that the code should mention NFPA 720 as an installation standard. The TAC took the following action:


On a motion from McCombs, the TAC unanimously approved the proposed rule language with one change to section 2 of the rule as shown:

     (2)  Every building for which a permit for new construction is issued on or after 7/1/08 and having a fossil-fuel-burning heater or appliance, a fireplace, or an attached garage shall have an operational carbon monoxide alarm installed within 10 feet of each room used for sleeping purposes.


Although some discussion ensued concerning where the language should go in the code, that function cannot be handled until the Glitch Fix cycle.





The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 a.m.