concurrent with







March 30, 2010

2:00 p.m.


Teleconference Number: (888) 808-6959

Code: 1967168


Public Point of Access: Room 210L

2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100


Structural TAC Members Present:

Jim Schock; Chairman, Craig Parrino, Charles Everly, C.W. Macomber, Rusty Carroll, Jack Glenn, Dan Lavrich, Do Kim, Jaime Gascon, and Nicholas Nicholson.


Members Absent: David Olmstead.


Guests Present:  George Merlin, petitioner of DCA10-DEC-045.


Staff Present: Mo Madani, Rick Dixon, Bruce Ketcham, Marlita Peters.


Facilitator: Jeff Blair.


Facilitator, with the approval of Chairman Schock, opened the meeting promptly at 2:00 p.m.  Roll was called for both TAC’s, separately, and a quorum was present for both TAC’s. 


The TAC approved the agenda and the minutes of previous meeting on January 26, 2010 with one correction that Craig Parrino did not attend the last meeting on January 26, 2010 and should be listed as ‘absent’. 


The first half of this meeting is to run concurrently with the Special Occupancy TAC. 


DCA10-DEC-045 – George Merlin Associates, Inc.

Mr. Mo Madani, DCA staff, provided the staff analysis of this request for declaratory statement.  The request includes two questions for clarification. 




Question #1:   Is the exception in FBC 3109.1.1 applicable to all the preceeding items 1.,2., and 3., and therefore the proposed substantial improvement work described in Case #1 exempt from CCCL design standards because it’s to be built over and within the limits of an existing unmodified foundation? Yes or No?




Answer:                  No”, exception dos not apply to substantial improvements or additions.



Question # 2:  Is the proposed work described in Case #2 exempt from CCCL design standards if the extent of the horizontal addition doesn’t advance farther than the seaward limits of the existing building and if the cost of the horizontal addition portion only does not constitute a substantial improvement to the existing structure (i.e. only the horizontal addition portion outside the limits of the existing foundation must be limited to cost less than 50% of the market value of the original existing structure , since the vertical addition over and within the limits of the existing unmodified foundation is exempt from cost consideration because it is already considered an exempt substantial improvement )? Yes or No?





Answer:                        “No”, level of work noted for the project in question does constitute rebuilding.            



The Structural TAC then took up the remainder of their meeting regarding request for declaratory statement DCA10-DEC-038, Gillette Generators, Inc.


Roll call was taken again, to confirm quorum.


Mr. Madani provided staff analysis on DCA10-DEC-038 indicating that petitioner failed to provide additional details as requested by staff.  Because this information was not provided, Mr. Madani suggested that this request for declaratory statement be deferred until petitioner could provide all requested information. 

Action:  TAC accepted staff recommendation of deferral until petitioner could provide additional information for clarification.


Meeting adjourned: 3:42 p.m.