Product Approval POC

February 5, 2007

8:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M.

Tampa , Florida
Embassy Suites Hotel
3705 Spectrum Blvd , 33612

Product Approval POC Attendees: Ed Carson, Herminio Gonzales, Crist Sanidas, Nan Dean, Paul Kidwell, Do Kim, also Craig Perrino was present. Staff present were Mo Madani, Joe Bigelow

There was a quorum present.

1 . The minutes for the December 4 POC meeting minutes were approved as presented. The agenda was modified to add the following item.

2 . Update on prototype program, by Applied Research Associates, Inc. Bill York, a subcontractor with ARA, was present. Frank LaVelle the Prototype Building Program Manager was also present. They stated that they have not reviewed any plans and they are not expected to have any new plans for review in the near future. They raised the issue they are unable to raise revenue sufficient to pay their fees. They asked the committee to consider termination of their contract with DCA.

Committee action: It was agreed that ARA will send a formal letter to DCA terminating their contract after the commission action, planned for Wednesday February 7. Also the committee has directed staff to contact bidder number 2 and 3 of the Request for Proposal) and to determine whether they are interested in taking over the administrative portion of the Prototype Building Program.

3 . Product Approval Program Staff Report
(A). Update on BCIS Improvements
Staff discussed the latest patches since the December 4 meeting.
(B). Product Approval and Entities Statistics Report.
A report was included in the package for the committee, which provided for a number of products and entities approved to date.
(C). Staff report from the January 24 th POC validation meeting.

Staff presented to the POC a revised changes to Rule 9B-72 based upon Rule 9B-72 January 24 meeting. Also staff has asked the committee to clarify issues regarding the proposed Rule change.

The first issue is whether multiple certification agencies per application is needed.

The second issue is whether installation instructions developed by manufacturer's engineer based on the product as tested is required to go through technical validation steps.

POC Action for integration into the revised Rule 9B-72 and comments at workshop for the rule:

1. With regard to revising the Rule allowing multiple certification agencies per application, the POC decided to defer this function until such time the system is due for total system revamp, and not to implement it at this stage of Rule Revision.

•  With regard to whether installation instructions performed by manufacturer's engineer is subject to technical validation, the committee decided that such installation instructions are not required to comply with technical validation steps as long as such installation instructions are based on the product as tested.

In addition to these issues the POC discussed the means to fund the enhancement to the BCIS necessary to implement the proposed code changes to Rule 9B-72. The committee discussed utilizing either the building code surcharge funds, increase product approval fees, or require A&A to re-imburse DCA the administrative charge per application.

POC recommendation: The POC decided to utilize increasing the Product Approval application fee as a means of covering the cost of enhancing the PA system. The committee would like to express that there is a need to workshop this increase in fees and directed staff to propose language to increase the fees for consideration at the workshop.

(D). Update regarding Senator Bennett request on State/local product approval.
The POC noted the memo from the chairman regarding this issue.
(E). Memo from Roofing TAC regarding Shingles
The POC noted the memo from the roofing TAC

(F). To discuss the conditional approval of FL-8104, FL-2690 R2, 3394 R1, 1901 R3. Staff expressed that there is a need to approve the following products under conditional as a result of the approved files being corrupted and to restore them to their original status, staff requested the POC approve them conditionally. The condition of approval is that staff would work with A&A to restore the applications to their original status and approve them.

POC Action: Approved staff recommendation of the stated items.

4. Discussion of Declaratory Statements: The committee discussed and provided recommendation on the following requests for Declaratory Statements:

DCA06-DEC-287 by Phillip Stoller of Perma-Column, Inc.
DCA06-DEC-294 by Joseph R. Webster of Atlantic Windows & Doors, Inc.


5 . A&A Report

(A). POC Action: A&A recommends revocation of the following items due to lapse of QAs:
a. FL-3541 - BG Machine and Metal Fab, Inc.
b. FL-4629 - PUYAT Steel Corporation

(B). A&A provided a report with recommendations on four entities for consideration:

•  QUA 6252, Progressive Engineering, Inc. (Product Quality Assurance Agency) - Approved

•  VAL 6137, Progressive Engineering , (Product Validation Entity)- Approved

•  TST 6127, Ramtech Laboratories , Inc., Product Testing Laboratory, Deferred

•  QUA 6128, Ramtech Laboratories , Inc., Product Quality Assurance Entity. Deferred

Note: While reviewing the proposed products for approval the POC expressed that there is a need to establish an expiration date of a test report and that there is a need to address this issue either during the present Rule revision or during future revisions to this Rule.

In reviewing the two deferrals listed above, A&A raised the concern that accreditation entities are not performing their responsibilities and thus a way to reprimand or disciplining entities is needed. As a first step the POC requested that staff work with the Administrator to send a warning letter to the accreditation entities who are not performing their responsibility.

6 . Other Business:
(A). Jesus Gonzales Letter - The Committee discussed Jesus Gonzales' letter regarding Quality Assurance problems with Associations and decided to agenda the items for consideration at the March Product Approval POC, as requested by Joe Belcher who would provide information on the subject.

7. Action needed by the Commission:

1. Action: request to allow DCA staff to contact bidder number 2 and 3 of the Request for Proposal of prototype buildings administrative program and to determine whether they are interested in taking over the administrative portion of the Prototype Building Program.

2. Action: Conditional approval of FL-8104, FL-2690 R2, 3394 R1, 1901 R3 as a result of the approved files being corrupted in the BCIS system.

3. Action: Recommend revocation of the following items due to lapse of QAs:
a. FL-3541 - BG Machine and Metal Fab, Inc.
b. FL-4629 - PUYAT Steel Corporation

4. Action: recommendations on four entities for consideration:

QUA 6252, Progressive Engineering, Inc. (Product Quality Assurance Agency) - Approved

VAL 6137, Progressive Engineering , (Product Validation Entity)- Approved

TST 6127, Ramtech Laboratories , Inc., Product Testing Laboratory, Deferred

QUA 6128, Ramtech Laboratories , Inc., Product Quality Assurance Entity. Deferred

3. Action on products reviewed for approval, conditional approval, deferral, and denial be approved .

8 . Adjourned at 11:40 A.M.