Florida Building Commission

Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

December 2nd, 2014


Meeting Location:  Teleconference Meeting from Tallahassee, Florida


TAC/POC Members and Objectives

TAC Members Present Via Teleconference:; Steven Bassett, Chair; Larry Banks; Oscar Calleja; Joseph Crum; Elizabeth Goll; Gary Griffin; Don Pitmann; and Pete Quintela 

TAC Members not Present: Dan Griffin,

Staff Present: Mo Madani, Jim Hammers, April Hammonds, Marlita Peters

Facilitator: Norman Bellamy

Guests: Mike Ippolito,

Ø Objectives: To Approve the Agenda and Minutes of the June 25th, 2014 meeting. To consider and discuss Declaratory Statement 2014-135


Meeting Minutes


Discussion of objectives included the following: 



2:31 PM Welcome and Opening, Roll Call.  

Norman Bellamy, facilitator for the Florida Building Commission, provided a welcome and a brief overview of the agenda items to be presented.


The Agenda, and Meeting Minutes for the June 25th, 2014, Mechanical TAC meeting were approved unanimously by the committee members.


 OBJECTIVE: To consider and discuss Declaratory Statement 2014-135 by Michael Ippolito, PE.


This matter was also taken up by the Special Occupancy Technical Advisory Committee.  April Hammonds, General Counsel, recommended that the findings of that TAC be consist here.  It was put forth that this Declaratory Statement should be denied due to General Applicability.


Pete Quintela moved to dismiss this Declaratory Statement per recommendation of Legal counsel.  This was seconded by Don Pittman.  There was some discussion and clarification of General Applicability before the vote. Then call to question by Joe Crum. The motion passed unanimously.


It was stated by Joe Crum and Oscar Calleja that another process might be available for the Petitioner through a non-binding interpretation with the BOAF.


Public Comment: Continuation of clarification and presentation of alternatives for the petitioner.


Other TAC Business:  Oscar Calleja wanted to bring up for discussion an issue concerning a conflict in the upcoming edition of the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code; with regard to the placement of smoke detectors in the air distribution system. April Hammonds stated that for this to be taken up it must be noticed and placed in the Agenda for a separate meeting of the TAC.

Having no other TAC business, the meeting was closed after a Motion and Second to Adjourn.




Staff Contacts: Norman Bellamy, Government Operations Consultant (850) 717-1834 Norman.Bellamy@myfloridalicense.com or Mo Madani, Manager mo.madani@dbpr.state.fl.us (850) 717-1825