Florida Building Commission

Roofing Technical Advisory Committee


October 9, 2013


Meeting was held via teleconference/webinar. https://suncom.webex.com/suncom/j.php?ED=238105997&UID=1642753467&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Teleconference: 1-888-670-3525  Code: 6062326940

public point of access: Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Northwood Centre, Suite 90A, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 487-1824


TAC Objectives

Roofing TAC Members Present: Chairman; Brian Swope, Bob Boyer, Jimmy Buckner, Billy Cone, Chuck Goldsmith, Mark Zehnal

Roofing TAC Members Absent: Remington Brown, Lorraine Ross, Karen Warseck.

Guests Present: Rosalie Blanco, John Kurtz, Jack Glenn, Ted Toph, David Prevatt, Jaime Gascon

Staff Present: Ken Cureton, Mo Madani, Marlita Peters, Jim Hammers, April Hammonds

Ø Objective -  To scope the technical approach for conducting a survey/assessment research project necessary to clearly define corrosion of exterior building system fasteners. 


Meeting Agenda


Review of objectives will include the following: 

Description of issue, discussion by Commission, public comment, Commission action.



Welcome and Opening: Meeting began at 1:30pm


Roll Call was taken and quorum was present.


Review and Approval of Meeting Agenda:

Motion was made by Chuck Goldsmith, seconded by Bob Boyer to accept the agenda as presented.  Vote: unanimous approval.



Approval of Minutes of August 22, 2013:

Motion by Chuck Goldsmith, seconded by Bob Boyer to accept minutes of previous meeting held August 22, 2013 as presented with no changes.  Vote: unanimous approval.



To scope the technical approach for conducting a survey/assessment research project necessary to clearly define corrosion of exterior building system fasteners.

The TAC reviewed comments submitted on this subject and after lengthy discussion between the TAC members and interested persons as to which approach to take with the survey and how to reach specific interest groups, along with which research aspects to cover regarding how widespread the issue of nail corrosion extends, Mark Zehnal made a motion to follow through with the survey.  The motion is as follows:


Changing the title to remove the ‘Metal Ridge Vent System on Shingle and Tile Roofs’ to ‘Survey and Investigation of Corrosion of Fasteners Used to Secure Roofing Systems’ with the addition of the relevant sections of the Code (Florida Building Code) which would include Residential and Existing Building, both non-high-velocity and high-velocity.  Chuck Goldsmith seconded the motion.


Vote: 5 yes and 1 no (Cone).




Other Commission business: No other Commission business was submitted.



Public Comment: No further public comment was provided.



Member Comment: No further member comment was provided.



Schedule next meeting. To be determined.



Adjournment. 2:30pm




Staff Contacts: Marlita Peters, marlita.peters@myfloridalicense.com, (850) 717-1831; Mo Madani, mo.madani@myfloridalicense.com, (850) 717-1825.

Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Office of Codes and Standards, 1940 N. Monroe Street, Suite 90, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0772 or call 850-487-1824 or call 850-487-1824.