with the






Monday, November 28, 2011, At 10:00am



Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Room 250L, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Meeting Objective:

Consideration and recommendation of Declaratory Statement and other business for the Commission.


Plumbing Technical Advisory Committee Members Present: Gary Duren, Jorge Gamoneda, Ken Gregory,  Joseph Kajack, George Seiler, Robert Trumbower

Members Absent:  Jim Bickford, Kevin Fennell, Gary Kozan, Mike Robbins


Swimming Pool Sub-Committee Members Present: Ken Gregory, Chairman, Tom Allen, Tony Caruso, Joe Crum, Dan Johnson, Gordon Shepardson.

Members Absent: Bill Dumbaugh, Dale Greiner, Todd Koonts, George Pellington


Staff Present:  Mo Madani, Ila Jones, Rick Dixon, Marlita Peters

Facilitator:  Jeff Blaire


1. Meeting was called to Order at 10:00am

            a. Roll Call taken.  A quorum of Plumbing TAC was present.  At the start of the meeting there was not a quorum of the Swimming Pool Sub-committee, however a sixth member joined late to meet quorum.

            b. Agenda was reviewed and approved.

            c. November 2010 Minutes were reviewed and approved as written.


2. The request for declaratory statement for DS 2011-085 – Dan Johnson, Swim Incorporated  was reviewed.  After much discussion each of the three questions posed by the request were voted upon individually. It was recommended to submit to the Commission by a motion to accept the staff recommendations with a vote of 5 in favor to 1 opposed by the Plumbing TAC and a vote of 6 in favor to 0 opposed by the Swimming Pool Sub-Committee.  The following is the TAC action:


Question #1 - Does a pool contractor achieve compliance with NSPI-5 and R4101.6.3 by applying the design flow rate when specifying pipe sizes?

Answer: As per the project in question, the answer is “yes”.


Question #2 – Does a pool contractor achieve compliance with ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 by applying the maximum design flow rate when specifying swimming pool filtration pipe sizes, where the maximum design flow rate is the greater of the calculated 6-hour turnover flow rate or the optional auxiliary feature (spa) with the highest design flow requirements if operated by the circulations pump?

Answer: As per the project in question, the answer is “yes”.


Question #3 – Does a pool contractor achieve compliance with ANSI/APSP-7 by applying the maximum operational flow rate when specifying suction pipe sizes.

Answer:  As per the project in question, the answer is “yes”.


3. There was no further public comment other than a question concerning the scheduling of a future meeting, which per Mr. Madani, there is none scheduled at this time.


4. Member Comment


5. Adjourn.  Meeting was adjourned at 11:36am.


Note:  This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-2100 or call (850) 487-1824.


This document prepared by DBPR.

Marlita Peters –  (850) 922-6864

Manager – Mo Madani –, (850) 922-2247