Plumbing Technical Advisory Committee


Conference Call report

Tuesday, May 26, 200

11:00 A.M. – 11:45 A.M.

Public point of access: Room 250L
Department of Community Affairs
Building Codes and Standards

2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

Meeting Objectives:

  • To review /approve agenda and the August 2008 minutes.
  • Review of declaratory statement DCA09-DEC-130 by James R. Schock P.E

Meeting was called to order at 11:05 A.M by Randy Vann, Chair, agenda and minutes from the August 2008 were approved.

Quorum was achieved with the following members attending the conference call: Randy Vann, Chair, Gary Kozan, Robert Trumbower , Ken Gregory,  Joseph Kajak , and Kevin Fennell.  Staff present – Mo Madani, Bruce Ketcham, Rick Dixon, Jim Richmond and Jeff Blair.

Discussion, review, and recommendations on declaratory statement DCA09-DEC-130 were deliberated by the committee and consensus was to agree with staff‘s recommendation.  The following is the TAC recommendation/action:

Question:               Does the restaurant in question meet exception 3 of section 403.2 allowing it to have a single toilet room or since it is a food service establishment does it require separate facilities since it seats more then 10 which is implied in exception 2.


Answer:                 As per section 102.1, since the requirements of section 403.2, Exception 2 of the FBC, Plumbing is more specific and restrictive than those of section 403.2, Exception 3 of the FBC, Plumbing, or section 309.1 of the FBC, Building with regard to “food service establishment”; the project in question is required to provide for separate facilities.   


Having no further business the committee was adjourned. At 11:45A.M