

Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee

December 8, 2009

8:00 a.m.


Voting Members present:

Bob Andrews, Larry Banks, Joe Crum, Jim Cummings, Elizabeth Goll, Dan Griffin, Gary Griffin, Scott Mollan, Rafael Palacios, Donny Pitmann and Ron Reguiro for Pete Quintella.


Staff present: Ann Stanton, Rick Dixon, Marlita Peters and Joe Bigelow



1. The meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m.  The TAC reviewed and unanimously approved the agenda and the 3/23/09 minutes.  A quorum was achieved with 11 voting members.


2. Rick Dixon provided an overview of Commission expectations for the code review and change process.


3. The TAC reviewed and provided recommendations to the Commission on overlapping Florida-specific mechanical code requirements as integrated into the 2009 International Mechanical Code and 2009 International Residential Code.   

Committee Actions: 

The TAC reviewed overlapping issues with the International Mechanical Code on the following code sections and provided recommendations to be forwarded to the Commission as to their disposition:  Sections 202, 301.4, 304.3, 304.6, 304.10, 306.3, 306.5, 307.2.2, 307.2.3, 312.1, 401.4.1, 403.1, 403.3, Table 403.3, 403.8, 501.3, 504.6.1, 506.3.8, 506.3.10, 602.2.1, 603.3.4, 603.5.6, 603.18.1, 1003.1 and 1107.2.


The TAC reviewed 11 overlapping issues with the International Residential code on the following code sections and provided recommendations to be forwarded to the Commission as to their disposition:  Sections R315.1, R806.4, M1305.1.1, M1305.1.3, M1305.1.4.1, M1411.3.1, M1502.6, M1601.1.1, M1601.4.1, M1601.4 and M1601.5.


4. The TAC was informed that a meeting of HVAC equipment manufacturers and Commission representatives would be held at 1 p.m. concerning code wind load provisions for a/c equipment.


5. The meeting was adjourned unanimously at 11:45 a.m.










Note:  This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact the Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-2100 or call 850-487-1824.