Florida Building Commission

Education POC Minutes

October 10, 2013

Tallahassee, Florida




Meeting information
Date: Thursday, October 10th, 2013
Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 648 101 606
Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

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Teleconference information
Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call:

Call-in toll-free number: 1-888-670-3525 (US)

Call-In Number: 1-888-670-3525   Code:6062326940

In Person Attendance: Room 90, 1940 North Monroe St., Tallahassee, Fla.



Education POC Objectives

Ø To approve October 10, 2013 Meeting Agenda

Ø To approve August 15, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Ø To review/decide pending accreditor applications

Ø To review/decide accredited advanced courses

Ø To review/decide administratively approved updated courses

Ø To review/decide self affirmed updated courses

Ø To view a presentation, then discuss updates to the Building Code Information System (BCIS)

Ø To review/discuss proposed language changes to Rule 61G20-6.002, F.A.C.

Ø To review/discuss Education Administrator activity report

Ø To identify future POC member discussion items

Ø To discuss general public comment

Ø To identify needed next steps, assignments, and agenda items for next meeting


Education POC Meeting Minutes— October 10, 2013

All Agenda Times—Including Adjournment—Are Approximate and Subject to Change

10:02 a.m. EST


Welcome and Opening, Roll Call

POC Members Present: Nanette Dean, (Chair), Herminio Gonzalez, Kevin Flanagan, Jeffrey Stone PhD

POC Member(s) Absent: Drew Smith 

Meeting Attendees Identified:

Ila Jones                     Jim Hammers

Cam Fentriss              Joe Belcher                                                                 

Michael Clark             Mo Madani

            April Hammonds        William Marshall

            Larry Schneider           Jack Glenn

            John Farinelli              Med Kopcznski

            Paul Drake                 




Review and approval of the October 10, 2013 meeting Agenda

Motion: To approve as submitted

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Approved Unanimously




Review and approval of August 15, 2013 meeting Minutes

Motion: To approve as submitted

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Approved Unanimously







Review pending accreditor applications for recommendation to the Commission

None Pending





Review pending advanced accredited courses for recommendation to the Commission

Course: 2010 Florida Gable End Anchoring and Framing in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Advanced Internet Module

Provider: A Builders License Training Institute

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 603.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Kevin Flanagan

Second: Jeffrey Stone

Discussion: The Education Administrator stated that this course was denied at the August, 2013 ED POC meeting because it did not include a method of presentation in the syllabus. He further stated that the syllabus has since been modified to include a method of presentation and therefore is complete.

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 Four Hour Advanced Internet Course on Chapter 16, Florida Building Code, Building Structures

Provider: Engineer Educators

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 616.0

Motion: Course conditionally approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content, and subject to the answers to the 40 question exam being reviewed and approved.

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Discussion: The Education Administrator stated that the answers to the 40 question exam were missing.

Med Kopczynski stated that the provider did send the exam answers with the course materials, but that he the accreditor did not include them in the materials. He further stated that he would send the exam answers to the Education Administrator immediately after the meeting for review.

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 Four Hour Advanced Internet Course on Chapter 9, Florida Building Code, Fire Protections

Provider: Engineer Educators

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 612.0

Motion: Course conditionally approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content, and subject to the answers to the 40 question exam being reviewed and approved.


Motion: Kevin Flanagan

Second: Jeffrey Stone

Discussion: The Education Administrator stated that the answers to the 40 question exam were missing. Med Kopczynski stated again that he would send the exam answers for review immediately after the meeting.

The Chair asked if there was any copyright infringement regarding the amount of code language placed in courses, as well as the use of the FBC logo. Ila Jones stated that the State’s contract with ICC allows for copying and pasting code information for training and other purposes. April Hammonds concurred.

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 Advanced Training: The Flood Provisions of the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume

Provider: JC Code and Construction Consultants, Inc.

Accreditor: JDB Code Services, Inc

BCIS Course Number: 621.0

Motion: Course approval deferred because the content was based on the 5th Edition Florida Building Code (2014), which has yet to be adopted as the next version of the code.

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Discussion: Joe Belcher stated that the supplement for the 5th Edition (2014) is currently available, which he thought made it available as a source for training materials.

April Hammonds stated that the 5th Edition Florida Building Code (2014) cannot be used as the basis of a course’s content until it has been adopted by the Florida Building Commission. She further stated that as of now, the scheduled adoption date is June, 2014 with the effective date being December 31, 2014. Also, the effective date is tied to the Florida Fire Prevention Code being adopted, and as of now, the new Fire Code have not been completely written. She further stated that the Florida Building Code must be reviewed and approved by JAPC and OFAR, before final adoption. In summary, when the code is adopted it becomes effective six months from that date. Cam Fentriss stated that courses must be created using the adopted code because using future code would be speculative in that it could be changed any time before final adoption.

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 FACBC and ADA Accessibility Standards for Medical/Hospital Facilities-Advanced

Provider: AIA Florida

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 622.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Discussion: None

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 Fenestration Mitigation Advanced Course

Provider: AIA Florida

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 620.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Discussion: None

Approved Unanimously






Review pending administratively approved updated courses for recommendation to the Commission

None Pending





Review pending administratively approved self affirmed updated courses for recommendation to the Commission

None Pending






View a presentation, then discuss updates to the Building Code Information System (BCIS)


William Marshall conducted a presentation regarding an enhancement, creation of a wizard, made to the Building Code Information System (BCIS). The wizard is to be used throughout the process of filling out a course application within the BCIS. With the wizard, the application is separated into sections, and the wizard provides tips during each step to make it easier and provide important information.


As a result of the presentation, audience comments were as follows:

Larry Schneider asked if the code edition date was required to be in the title because he does not find this in the administrative rule. April Hammonds stated that the code edition date had to be placed in the materials, but not necessarily in the title. Larry stated that he asked because the date of the Accessibility code is 2012, which is not currently an option in the BCIS---only 2010. Also, Larry stated that a course developed relating to the Fair Housing Act does not currently fit into the subject areas listed on the application.

Joe Belcher commented that in his experience, many providers look at the list of course subject areas and select the areas according to who they think will attend the course as participants, versus representing the areas of expertise of the accreditors. He feels the explanation of this step needs to be expanded to take care of that type of misunderstanding by providers.

Larry Schneider asked why BCIC LLC shows up twice in the list of accreditors and how would a provider know who to choose to accredit their course. Cam Fentriss stated that BCIC LLC has two accreditors:  Med Kopcznski and Sharon Mignardi. Med stated that a provider would not know who to choose between them unless they received a recommendation of some sort.

Med Kopczynski stated that courses are developed to the current code edition (which is rule), but what if a course is developed around Florida law, specifically product approval under chapter 553, Florida Statutes.

Med also said that within the last two weeks, a provider told Med that his FBC course was expired by the ECLB. Cam asked Med to send her the course number or have the provider send it and that she would check to see what happened.

Larry Schneider asked if a document to be uploaded into the BCIS could be too large. William Marshall answered by saying that right now there are have not been issues with the size of documents. Cam Fentriss stated that there have been large documents, such as DOE 23 hour course, that needed special uploading in the past, and that if a provider were having a problem, to contact the Education Administrator for help.

Cam Fentriss reminded everyone not to include any symbols when naming PDF documents for uploading into the BCIS. Inclusion of symbols interferes with URLs needed in the system.  She said that she will also resend the address and logon for the test website so individuals can try the BCIS enhancements for themselves. They may also send to her by email any recommendations regarding the wizard or website.





Review/discuss proposed language changes to Rule 61G20-6.002, F.A.C


The Chair asked Cam Fentriss to include information regarding this agenda item into the Education Administrator’s report.




Education Administrator activity report

 Discussion: Cam stated that Item E describes the need to update existing advanced code courses. She further stated that it relates to the previous discussion differentiating between adopted and effective dates. The bottom line is that providers must take some action on their courses prior to December 31, 2014 to avoid expiration of any course.

Cam stated that Item F says that courses relating to future editions of the Florida Building Code are capable of review if developed to an adopted version (rather than a proposed or discussed version). The limitation to be removed is the language that limits this option for only revised existing courses and allows review of new courses as well as revised existing courses.


Med Kopczynski asked if Cam would send an email when those courses could be updated within the system. Cam stated in the affirmative.


Larry Schneider asked if the newly named building code (5th Edition (2014)) would be placed in the system and that characters be added. Cam stated that it will eventually, and that more characters may be added to accommodate its length.


Jack Glenn stated that in the past, the idea was to have advanced courses developed six months prior to the effective date of the code. He further stated that by delaying the adopted edition of the code, the actual time to train folks would be reduced from 6 months to 3 months, because it would take 3 months to have the courses approved.

April Hammonds said that the ED POC could revise the language to omit the word “adopted.”

Jack Glenn asked why the FBC is waiting until June to adopt the code. April Hammonds stated that as of now, the Florida Fire Prevention Code has not been developed. She further stated that if the fire code is missing, either JAPC, OFAR , or the Department of State will deny approval.


Cam Fentriss stated that based on the issue raised, maybe a solution would be to have courses submitted and approved when the modifications are approved. The Chair stated that she tends to agree and would like to hear from the POC regarding this suggestion. Commissioner Stone stated that he agreed with the suggestion.


Joe Belcher agreed and stated that there should be a process in place to update slides in the materials, even if JAPC makes some changes. Cam Fentriss stated that we have a mechanism in place for an expedited approval, which is the self-affirmation one change or self affirmation no change. April Hammonds stated that this applies to revised courses, but not new courses.


Med Kopczynski and John Farinelli both stated that providers need as much time as possible to develop courses, which is best for the industry.


April Hammonds suggested that maybe the language needs to be modified to strike the term “revised” and leave “adopted.”


Mo Madani stated that it does take time to develop courses, so he suggested that maybe a timeframe should be arbitrarily chosen such as 6 months from the effective date. He said that the Board of Engineers chose a year as their timeframe. He further said that if problems arise, that the timeframe can be changed.


Both Cam Fentriss and April Hammonds stated that we have an effective date now, which could change by reasons beyond the Commission’s control. They both further said it makes more sense to say “future editions of the code,” instead of choosing a particular timeframe.


Jack Glenn stated that he has had to pull courses for approval in the past because of the issues surrounding adopted and effective dates. He further stated that some courses are based on the I-Codes, which do not change much. He said that if 90% of a course is based on the I-Codes, and 10% on the Florida Building Code, then probably not much would need to change.


Med Kopczynski stated that the trigger should be the adoption date.


The Chair asked when does the FBC approve a revised (new) code. April Hammonds stated that a new code is approved after the modifications are approved.


Commissioner Stone asked if a change occurs in the code, which then causes changes in course materials, does the provider inform the ED POC of the change. Cam Fentriss stated that these courses (with changes) will have to go through the BCIS and be processed as self-affirmation no change, self-affirmation one change, or revised (multiple changes), rather than notification alone as is the case with some of the licensure boards.


Med Kopczynski asked if there was a provision in the rule for accreditors to voluntarily cease being accreditors. April Hammonds stated that there was not such a provision but the accreditor requesting a changed status in writing should suffice.


The Chair and POC members stated that they wanted to change the language to section (4) of rule 61G20-6.002 after this discussion but do not want to wordsmith at the current meeting. They asked the staff to craft appropriate language for the December ED POC meeting. They did pass a motion of intent regarding this issue.


Motion: For the DBPR staff to develop language for rule 61G20-6.002 (4), with the intent of being able to use the Florida Building Code to develop advanced courses on the date when the code modifications are approved.

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Nan Dean

Approved Unanimously


A. Provided administrative support for FBC Education POC for August 15, 2013 meeting


B. Drafted minutes for FBC Education POC August 15, 2013 meeting


C. Prepared agenda for FBC Education POC meeting on October 10, 2013 meeting


D. Inquiries from the public August 6, 2013 to October 4, 2013 as follows:


5 inquiries:   3 telephone;   1 e-mail;   1 telephone and email


Category of inquirers:


2 Provider   2 Consumer   1 Contractor


Types of Inquiries:


2 Course accreditation   1 Pool alarms   1 Roofing product   1 Burglar alarms


E. In August 2013, the Florida Building Commission adopted a change in the effective date of the revised Florida Building Code. The Commission also approved the name for the new code as Fifth Edition Florida Building Code (2014). With this change, the new code is scheduled to go into effect on December 31, 2014. You must take action on your existing advanced code course(s) before December 31, 2014.

Rule 61G20-6.002(3)(f), Florida Administrative Code states:

On or before the effective date of changes to the Florida Building Code, providers shall update

existing accredited courses affected by the code changes and submit for accreditation on the Building

Code Information System at http://www.floridabuilding.org/ce/ce_default.aspx. The code version that

initiated the update and reaccreditation process must be noted on the application. Accreditation of

revisions to approved accredited courses shall be accomplished in the same manner as described in

paragraphs (a) through (f) hereof, except only the revision submitted shall be subject to review. These

courses shall be approved by the administrator of the education program subject to ratification by the

Florida Building Commission.

Any course that needs to be updated or revised must be completed by December 31, 2014. “Completed” means submitted AND accredited AND approved (merely submitting a course for revision by the deadline is not enough).

If you review your course and find that no change is needed, you must still take action by following the process for “no change” on the BCIS by December 31, 2014.


Once a course is expired, it cannot be revised. Your only choice will be to start again by

submitting a new course.

F. Proposed Rule Change Added – Below is an additional proposed rule change (also included in item G below). This new proposed change is to address language that needs clarification and unnecessarily limits the ability to submit course applications to teach future versions of the Florida Building Code. In summary, the clarification is to say that courses relating to future editions of the Florida Building Code are capable of review if developed to an adopted version (rather than a proposed or discussed version). The limitation to be removed is the language that limits this option for only revised existing courses and allows review of new courses as well as revised existing courses.


61G20-6.002 Commission Approval and Accreditation of Advanced Building Code Training Courses.

(4) Course Content and Accreditor Review. Accreditors shall review courses submitted by registered providers to determine if the course accurately presents the technical and administrative responsibilities reflected in the current edition of the Florida Building Code, or adopted future editions of the Code if the accreditor is reviewing a course revised to comply with an updated edition of the Florida Building Code in

accordance with paragraph (3)(f) of this rule or Florida Statutes or rules related to the Florida Building Code. Accreditors shall not mutually accredit each others’ courses. The accreditor shall determine if the course meets the following minimum criteria:


G. Proposed Rule Changes – Proposed changes to rule 61G20-6.002(3) and (4), Florida

Administrative Code, including one new proposed revision in subsection (4):


61G20-6.002 Commission Approval and Accreditation of Advanced Building Code Training Courses.

(3) Training Provider Registration and Requirements.

(a) Training providers approved by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation who desire Commission approval and accreditation for advanced building code courses shall register with the Building Code Information System using the Register Training Provider function and associated online screens, Form FBC-ED-002, effective September 10, 2010, adopted herein by reference and available from the Building Code Information System at www.floridabuilding.org/ce/ce_tporgapp_dtl1.aspx, and pay a registration fee of $25.00.

(b) Registered training providers shall submit materials and information pertaining to courses for which Commission accreditation and approval is sought utilizing the Submit a Course Application function and associated online screens, Form FBCED 2003-03, effective October 2012, adopted herein by reference and available from the Building Code Information System at http://www.floridabuilding.org/ce/ce_default.aspx or


(c) The provider shall select an approved accreditor and shall provide payment for services directly to the accreditor. The accreditor selected shall meet the criteria for independence identified in paragraph (d) and shall be listed with the expertise in the field for which approval is sought.

(d) Upon submittal by a training provider, the selected accreditor shall receive an e-mail notification from the Building Code Information System and shall review the materials provided by the provider in accordance with the criteria identified herein. The accreditor shall complete the application by providing comments containing the results of the accreditor’s review and approving or denying accreditation of the course on the

Building Code Information System. An accreditor may not approve for accreditation a course application that is not complete and accurate as specified in subsection (4). The accreditor shall also provide a certification of independence that attests the person or entity does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will acquire, a financial interest in the training provider seeking accreditation.

(e) The Building Code Information System shall assign an accreditation number to the application upon submittal. The application shall be accredited completely and placed in the “Pending FBC Action” file on the Building Code Information System at http://www.floridabuilding.org/ce/ce_tp_coursetrp_dtl.aspx no later than

23 calendar days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Florida Building Commission. The Commission or its designee shall finalize the accreditation process utilizing the Building Code Information System at www.floridabuilding.org and notify the provider and accreditor within 3 business days of the Florida Building Commission’s action on the applications. If a provider has not taken any action on a submitted but incomplete application in 180 days, the Commission may withdraw the application.

(f) On or before the effective date of changes to the Florida Building Code, providers shall update existing accredited courses affected by the code changes and submit for accreditation on the Building Code Information System at http://www.floridabuilding.org/ce/ce_default.aspx. The code version that initiated the update and reaccreditation process must be noted on the application. Accreditation of revisions to approved accredited courses shall be accomplished in the same manner as described in paragraphs (a) through (f) hereof, except only the revision submitted shall be subject to review. These courses shall be approved by the administrator of the

education program subject to ratification by the Florida Building Commission.

(g) If an approved accredited course is not affected by the code change or requires revision only one change to correct or update a reference, table, diagram, or quoted provision of code, law, or administrative rule, the training provider shall may self-affirm by completeing Form FBC-ED-002, effective September 10, 2010, adopted herein by reference and available from the Building Code Information System at

http://floridabuilding.org/ce/ce_tporgapp_dtl1.aspx. The same change may be made in more than one place in the course. The code version must be noted on the application. If a correction or update is required, Tthe training provider must list the exact correction or update, the specific location of the correction or update, and reason for the change in the course and affirm this is the only correction or update to the course. The correction or update to the course shall be approved by the administrator of the education program subject to ratification by the Florida Building Commission.

(h) If an approved accredited course is not affected by the code change, and no change is required, but a licensure or other board requires an updated version of the course, the training provider shall may self-affirm by completeing Form FBC-ED-002, effective September 10, 2010, adopted herein by reference and available from the Building Code Information System at http://floridabuilding.org/ce/ce_tporgapp_dtl1.aspx. The code version must be noted on the application. The course shall be approved by the administrator of the education program subject to ratification by the Florida Building Commission.

(h) (i) If an approved accredited course is submitted as self-affirm no change or one change, but more than one change is required, the course must be reviewed by an approved accreditor in the same manner as described in paragraph (f) hereof.

(j) A change to the delivery format of an approved accredited course must be submitted for accreditation.

(4) Course Content and Accreditor Review. Accreditors shall review courses submitted by registered providers to determine if the course accurately presents the technical and administrative responsibilities reflected in the current edition of the Florida Building Code, or adopted future editions of the Code if the accreditor is reviewing a course revised to comply with an updated edition of the Florida Building Code in

accordance with paragraph (3)(f) of this rule or Florida Statutes or rules related to the Florida Building Code. Accreditors shall not mutually accredit each others’ courses. The accreditor shall determine if the course meets the following minimum criteria:

(a) Course title and number. The word “advanced” and, if appropriate, “internet” shall be in the title;

(b) Hours of credit;

(c) Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the provider;

(d) Course description completely describing what the particular course is designed to address;

(e) Course/learning objectives;

(f) Course time allotments for course content;

(g) Course outline and instructional methods – detailed description of course content in sequence of how

taught and methods used to teach that content. The following instructional methods are authorized, but are not limited to: exercises, quizzes, discussion groups, reading assignments, projects, simulations and presentations;

(h) Code edition to which the course relates;

(i) Course references cited in the outline;

(j) Method of course evaluations;

(k) A minimum of 50% of the actual training materials content shall be related to the Florida Building Code or Florida Statutes or rules related to the Florida Building Code;

(l) Course materials shall accurately reflect the Florida Building Code and other topics under the jurisdiction of the Florida Building Commission; and

(m) Course materials provided to the attendee shall be provided to the accreditor.



Identify future POC member discussion items

No future discussion items were given.




General public comment

No public comment was given




Summary and review of meeting work products and adoption of recommendations for submittal to the commission

Recommended Commission Actions


The Education POC considered and recommends the following:


The following new courses are recommended for APPROVAL:


Course: 2010 Florida Gable End Anchoring and Framing in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Advanced Internet Module

Provider: A Builders License Training Institute

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 603.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Kevin Flanagan

Second: Jeffrey Stone

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 Four Hour Advanced Internet Course on Chapter 16, Florida Building Code, Building Structures

Provider: Engineer Educators

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 616.0

Motion: Course conditionally approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content, and subject to the answers to the 40 question exam being reviewed and approved.

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Approved Unanimously



Course: 2010 Four Hour Advanced Internet Course on Chapter 9, Florida Building Code, Fire Protections

Provider: Engineer Educators

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 612.0

Motion: Course conditionally approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content, and subject to the answers to the 40 question exam being reviewed and approved.

Motion: Kevin Flanagan

Second: Jeffrey Stone

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 Advanced Training: The Flood Provisions of the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume

Provider: JC Code and Construction Consultants, Inc.

Accreditor: JDB Code Services, Inc

BCIS Course Number: 621.0

Motion: Course approval deferred because the content was based on the 5th Edition Florida Building Code (2014) which has yet to be adopted as the next version of the code.

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 FACBC and ADA Accessibility Standards for Medical/Hospital Facilities-Advanced

Provider: AIA Florida

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 622.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2010 Fenestration Mitigation Advanced Course

Provider: AIA Florida

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 620.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Approved Unanimously


Other Motions:


Motion: For the DBPR staff to develop language for 61G20-6.002 (4), with the intent of being able to use the Florida Building Code to develop advanced courses on the date when the code mods are approved.

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Nan Dean

Approved Unanimously








Adjourn (Adjourned at 11:45 am.)

Motion: To adjourn

Motion: Jeffrey Stone

Second: Kevin Flanagan

Approved Unanimously


Staff Contact: Michael Clark (Building A Safer Florida, Inc.); mrcconsulting@earthlink.net; 850.545.1451


Committee Membership and Meeting Schedule



Education POC Membership



Nanette Dean

Manufactured Buildings, Chair

Kevin Flanagan

Electrical Contractor

Herminio Gonzalez

Code Official

Drew Smith

Green Building Industry

Jeffrey Stone PhD

Building Product Manufacturer



April Hammonds

Legal Advisor

Jim Hammers

Technical Support

Cam Fentriss

Administrative (Building A Safer Florida, Inc.)


Michael Clark

(Building A Safer Florida, Inc.)



2013 POC Meeting Schedule


January 28, 2013 (10:00 AM EST)

Tallahassee and via teleconference


April 2, 2013 (10:00 AM EST)

Tallahassee and via teleconference


June 3, 2013 (10:00 AM EST)

Tallahassee and via teleconference


August 15, 2013 (10:00 AM EST)

Tallahassee and via teleconference


October 10, 2013 (10:00 AM EST)

Tallahassee and via teleconference


December 5, 2013 (10:00 AM EST)

Tallahassee and via teleconference



2013 Course Application Deadline Schedule


Meeting Date

Application Submittal Deadline


January 28, 2013 Meeting

January 12, 2013


April 2, 2013 Meeting

March 16, 2013


June 3, 2013 Meeting

May 18, 2013


August 15, 2013

July 30, 2013


October 10, 2013

September 24, 2013


December 5, 2013

November 19, 2013


Note: This document is available in alternate formats upon request to the Department of Business and professional regulation, codes and standards, Room 90, 1940 North Monroe St.,Tallahassee, Fl., 850.717.1838.