JULY 26, 2012







Members Present:  Dr. Jeffrey Stone – Chairman, Herminio Gonzalez, Nicholas Nicholson, Brian Swope


Members Absent:  Tim Tolbert, John Scherer


Staff Present:  Mo Madani, Suzy Davis, Ted Berman, Jeff Blair


Committee Objectives:


Ř    To Consider/Discuss Product Approval Program Issues

Ř    Discussion Items

Ř    To Consider/Decide on Approval of Products and Product Approval Entities


Agenda Review and Approval:


The meeting was called to order at 2:47 pm by Chairman Jeffrey Stone.  A motion to approve the July 2012 Agenda with the amendment to remove item D(3) from the agenda was made by Nicholas Nicholson and second by Brian Swope.  Motion passed.


A motion to approve the May 2012 Minutes as submitted was made by Nicholas Nicholson and second by Brian Swope.  Motion passed.


Product Approval Program Issues:


Product Approval Entities and Statistics Report (7/10/2012) for the 2010 code cycle were read into the record.


Product Approval Administrator’s Performance Survey for the August approval cycle was read into the record.


Rule 61G20-3.015 Equivalency of Standards – Update:  Mo Madani provided an update on the progress of this rule.  The Rule has been noticed and there have been no requests for a hearing so far. If no hearing is requested, the next step is to file the rule for adoption.  Staff is moving forward as intended.


Status Update Regarding the Proposed Rule for Revocation:  Mo Madani provided an update on this issue.  Staff requested that this process be postponed until after the upcoming legislative process to allow staff to investigate the possibility of a change to the statute.  The Committee agreed. 


Private Label Issue:  Staff requested that this item be removed from the agenda.  Motion was made by Nicholas Nicholson and second by Brian Swope.  Motion passed. 


Ted Berman and Associates Reports:


A motion to move the consent agenda was made by Nicholas Nicholson and second by Brian Swope.  Motion passed. 


Products and entities were reviewed and approved.  Recommendations were provided. DBPR Approved products were made available on the agenda as required by rule and no comment was raised at the meeting regarding those products.




A motion to adjourn was made by Nicholas Nicholson and second by Brian Swope.  Meeting was adjourned at 3:29 pm.


Actions Needed by the Commission:


  1. Ted Berman and Associates Report - Products and entities were reviewed and approved.  Recommendations were provided.