Date :              September 29, 2011

To:                   Chairman Ed Carson and Members of Product Approval POC

From:              Ted Berman, P.E., Florida Product Approval System Administrator.

Subject:         Revocation of FL14171

Applicant:      Norse Inc.


The subject application was approved on December 7, 2010 and a revision (FL14171-R1) was presented on February 12, 2011.  The subject application indicated that it was an anchoring system for shutters to anchor panels.  The indicated testing was as required by the building code and the application was approved to anchor panels.


At the time of the revised application,FL14171-R1, it was found out by our review that the indicated panels were plywood boards.  Anchoring of plywood shutters is allowed as a prescriptive method on Sect R301.2.1.2 and Table R301.2.1.2 and the applicant was sent the following comment:


This application is an alternate to Sect. R301.2.1.2 and Table R301.2.1.2.  Use of "Alternate Materials" is not allowed for statewide product approval.


Applicant did not comply on revising the application and is on the September 2011 Agenda with a recommendation for Denial.


During the discussion on FL14171-R1 the applicant pointed out his approval of FL14171 and it was found that it had the same deficiencies.  Therefore we recommend the revocation of FL14171.


There have been several other applications with the same deficiency that have been previously denied by the POC.