Ø      Facilitator will ask Commissioner or committee members to identify themselves.

Ø      Members will offer their names one at a time. To avoid confusion and to ensure accuracy, please wait until facilitator repeats and confirms a name before offering another.

Ø      Once attendance is complete, the agenda will be reviewed and approved by the Commission or Committee.

Ø      Commission or committee members should announce if they have to sign-off before the teleconference meeting is complete, to ensure a quorum and accurate count of votes.




Ø      Background noise from participants is picked-up and amplified on the conference leader’s phone, especially if you are on a speaker-phone.

Ø      Please place your phone on mute unless speaking, to cut down on ambient background noise.




Ø      Chair/Facilitator will introduce discussion item or presenter.

Ø      Presenter will provide overview of issue and recommendation(s) for Commission or committee action.

Ø      Hold questions until presentation is complete.

Ø      Once presentation is complete, Chair/Facilitator will ask if Commissioners or committee members have clarifying questions on the issue, create a speaker’s list, and call on members in-turn for clarification.

Ø      Chair/Facilitator will ask if anyone from the public wishes to discuss the issue or propose alternative options, create a speaker’s list, and call on participants in-turn for discussion.

Ø      Chair/Facilitator will ask if any Commissioner or committee member wishes to discuss the issue or propose alternative options, create a speaker’s list, and call on members in-turn for discussion.

Ø      Once clarification and discussion is complete, Chair/Facilitator will ask if a Commissioner or committee member wishes to make a motion on the issue.

Ø      Following a second for the motion, Chair/Facilitator will ask if there is any additional discussion.

Ø      If the motion involves an option the public has already provided input on, then the vote is taken following any additional Commission or committee discussion; if the proposed action (motion) is materially different from what was previously discussed, an additional opportunity is provided for public comment, and then the Commission or committee votes on the motion.