Florida Building Commission


Technical Advisory Committee Meeting


August 8, 2014 at 10:07 A.M.


Meeting was held via teleconference/webinar:

Teleconference: 1-888-670-3525  Code: 6062326940

public point of access: Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Northwood Centre, Suite 90, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 487-1824


TAC Objectives

Code Admin TAC Members Present: Chairman: Jay Carlson; Hamid Bahadori, Bob Boyer, Dick Browdy, Don Brown, Bill Dumbaugh, David Gilson, John O’Connor,

Code Admin TAC Members Absent: Tim Tolbert.

Guests Present: None

Staff Present: Jim Hammers, Mo Madani, April Hammonds, Jim Richmond, Nick Duval, Zubeyde Banici

Objective – Considered, discussed and provided recommendations for consideration by the Commission on a request for Declaratory Statement.


Meeting Agenda




Welcome and Opening Remarks. Due to late arrival of some TAC members meeting was delayed by 7 minutes.


Roll Call:  Roll Call was taken a quorum was present.


Review and Approval of Meeting Agenda: Motion to approval agenda as posted was made by Bob Boyer and seconded by Bill Dumbaugh.  Unanimous approval.


Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2014. Bill Dumbaugh provided a motion to accept the previous minutes of the meeting held June 5, 2014 and seconded by Bob Boyer.  Unanimous approval.


Review and make recommendation to the Commission regarding:

DS2013-089 petitioned by T.A. Krebs, Architect, T.A. Krebs, LLC. 

Mr. Krebs presented his request for declaratory statement and Mo Madani provided the staff analysis. 

TAC Action:

Question: Is the applicant for a single family residence remodeling/addition, not undergoing a change of occupancy, complying with FBC-Residential required to demonstrate compliance with an FBC-Existing Building compliance method selected by the Building Official?


Answer: With the understanding that as per Section 101.5 of the Florida Building Code (FBC), Existing Building, selection of the appropriate method of compliance for the project in question is subject to the discretion of the applicant and not the building official; the answer to the question is “No”. As per Sections 302.1 and 303.1 of the 2010 Florida Building Code, Existing Building, compliance of the project in question with the 2010 FBC-Residential is an acceptable alternative for demonstrating compliance with the 2010 FBC, Existing Building.


After discussion and consideration the TAC voted unanimously to accept the staff analysis with a motion by Don Brown, seconded by John O’Connor.



Further discussion with regard to the statewide analysis of the uniformity of code administration including permitting fees, times, and inspections.

After lengthy discussion John O’Connor provided a motion to not waste resources on this issue and not recommend it moving forward which was seconded by Bob Boyer. 

Vote was taken via roll call: Browdy-N, O’Connor-Y, Bahadori–Y, Boyer-Y, Brown-Y, Gilson-N, Dumbaugh-Y, Carlson-N.



No other comments were provided by public or TAC Members.


Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 10:37am






Staff Contacts: Marlita Peters, Marlita.peters@myfloridalicense.com, (850) 922-6864; Mo Madani, mo.madani@myfloridalicense.com

Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Office of Codes and Standards, 1940 N. Monroe Street, Suite 90, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0772 or call 850-487-1824.