Florida Building Commission

Structural Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
concurrent with the mechanical technical advisory committee


May 31, 2012

10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Department of Business and Professional Regulation

2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.Tallahassee, Florida 32399—1.850.487.1824


Workgroup Meeting Objectives

Ø To Approve Regular Procedural Topics (Agenda and Minutes)

Ø To Review Declaratory Statements and make recommendations to the Commission

Ø To review and provide comments to the workshop regarding proposed changes as per Rule 61G20.1.001

Ø To Consider Public Comment

Ø To Identify Other Business


Committee Members PRESENT

James Schock; Chair, Jack Glenn, CW Macomber , Steve Strawn, Craig Parrino, Daniel L. Lavrich, Do Y. Kim, Jaimie Gascon P.E., Harry “Rusty” Carroll




Welcome and Opening



Agenda approved as modified to take up Declaratory Statement 037 first to accommodate the Mechanical TAC.  Minutes were approved as provided.



The TAC reviewed and discussed Declaratory Statement 2012-037 and provided the following recommendation:


1)      Question: Do I need to update my current (2007) Florida product approval #FL 3203-R2 to meet the new Florida Building Code 2010, ASCE 7-10? Yes or No?

Answer:  The State Product Approval Program is optional to that of the local product approval.  Should you elect to update your current state product approval “#FL 3203 –R2” for compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code, then the answer is “Yes”.

2)      Question: Do I need to meet exposure ratings (B,C,D) of the Florida Building Code 2010 section 1609.4.3 Building Section and ASCE 7-10 (FL) Where Florida Building Code 2007 ASCE 7-05 only applies Exposure “C”? Yes or No?

Answer:  For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the 2010 Florida Building (FBC), compliance with the applicable provisions of ASCE 7 – 2010 and the FBC are required.

3)      Question: Is it correct that Florida Building Code 2010, ASCE 7-10 (FL) specifies higher lateral loads of 3.1 to 1 for all building heights.  Where the Florida Building Code 2007, ASCE 7-05 only specified 1.9 to 1.0 for buildings 60’ or less. Yes or No.

Answer:  In accordance with Section 1609.8 of the FBC, Building, the answer is “Yes”, however the 3.1 is permitted to be reduced based on the effective area.

4)      Question: Is it correct that the Florida Building Code 2010, ASCE 7-10 (FL) specifies the use of uplift pressure equal to 1.5 to 1 and the Florida Building code 2007, ASCE 7-05 used no additional uplift pressure?  Yes or No?

Answer:  In accordance with Section 1609.8 of the FBC, B, the answer is “Yes”, however the 1.5 is permitted to be reduced based on the effective area.

5)      Question: Do I need to meet both the higher lateral loads and uplift loads? Yes or No?

Answer:  In accordance with Section 1609.8 of the FBC, B, the answer is “Yes”.  

6)      Question: I am correct to say the 2010 FBC – Residential Section R4403.9.1 Building and Structures, and every portion thereof, shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of chapter 26 through 31 of ASCE 7-10? Yes or No?

Answer:  With regard to the product in question and in accordance with Section R4403.9.1 of the FBC, Residential, the answer is “Yes”.

7)      Question: Does the Governor want the FBC 2010, ASCE 7-10 (FL) to be applied to building doors, garage doors windows and roof tiles? Yes or No?

Answer: The answer to this question is outside the scope of the Declaratory Statement request.




TAC reviewed and discussed Declaratory Statement 2012-034 and provided the following recommendation for consideration:

Question 1:  To the question, What risk category would my telecommunications equipment fall under ASCE7-10 Table 1.5-1, the answer is, per ASCE7- the project in question falls under risk category III.


Question 2:  To the questionWhat risk category would my telecommunication equipment fall under FBC Table 1604.5?

 the answer is, as per Table 1604.5 Florida Building Code, Building the project in question falls under risk category II.


Question 3: To the question, If the risk category under ASCE7-10 is more stringent than the risk category under FBC, which risk category should I use for telecommunication equipment?


The answer is, as per Section 102.4 of the FBC-B, the project in question falls under Risk Category II.





Reviewed and provided comments regarding proposed changes as per Rule 61G20.1.001 (See attached)



Adjourned at 11:30


Actions Needed - None

Staff Contacts: Joe Bigelow, joe.bigelow@dbpr.state.fl.us, (850) 922-9160; Mo Madani, Manager