Alternative meeting methods

Issue:  Staff presented the results of the survey that was conducted regarding whether future product approval POC meetings should be held by conference call or via a live format.  The Committee discussed the issue including the use of webinars and directed staff continue the onsite/live format meeting until staff research and provide for other viable alternatives.

Background:  In 2007 DCA Codes staff began research into different methods of conduction Commission meetings.  Many options were explored including internet based meetings and conference calls.  For webinars and internet based meetings several software packages were tested including Webex  and Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro.

      Conference Calls:  Several Product Approval POC meetings have been conducted by conference call.  Line noise and poor audio quality have disrupted past meetings. 

Operator Assisted Calls:  In July 2009 Ed Carson, Chair of the POC, Jeff Blair, and DCA staff met with an Intercall coordinator and operator to discuss operator assisted events.  Intercall is the State provider through Department of Management Services for meeting services. 

Some of the features of operator assisted events are the ability to mute or remove individual noisy lines and have muted and unmated groups with an operator to announce if a muted individual wishes to make a comment.  The cost for operator assisted events prohibits this from being a practical option.  The cost to host an operator assisted event are greater than an onsite meeting. 

Automated Brige: In talking with the Intercall representative, she mentioned other options under the automated bridge account.   These options include phone commands and an operator is available if needed to remove a line that is disrupting the call.  The automated bridge is the current conference call system that is available now through the current state contract with no additional fees. 

The automated bridge is run by the leader or host of the call.  Individuals can mute and unmute their line to prevent line noise.  The leader can dial out to a participant.  Also as mentioned the leader can dial an operator to assist and remove a problematic line.

      Webex, Webinars and GoToMeeting:  Through DMS and the departments contract these options are available or will be available soon.  Once a product is available staff will coordinate with the POC to do a series of test meetings and invite the public to determine which is the best for the needs of all involved.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends conference call via automated bridge be used for meetings that are limited to minor issues and product reports. These small meetings may be handled by GoToWebinar or GoToMeeting after testing and evaluation.