Accessibility Waiver:


Vice Chairman Schock advised that the Commission will now consider this month’s requests for accessibility waivers.  He stated Justin Vogel will serve as legal counsel and present the Accessibility Advisory Council’s recommendations.  Vice Chairman Schock asked that Mr. Vogel present the Council’s recommendations regarding waiver requests.

Jason St-Fleur, Esq. – Waiver 368 - 152 NE 167 Street, Suite 300, North Miami Beach 33162 - Issue: Vertical accessibility to the second floor:


Mr. Vogel presented the waiver.   He advised that the Council recommended deferring the request for additional information.


Commissioner Schiffer entered a motion to defer the waiver for additional information.  Commission Worrall seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 23 to 0.


Ultrafast Systems – Waiver 303 - 8330 Consumer Court, Sarasota 34240 - Issue: Vertical accessibility to the second floor:


Mr. Vogel presented the waiver and advised that the Council recommended denying the request for waiver. 


Commissioner Schilling entered a motion to deny the waiver.  Commission Worrall seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 23 to 0.


Zayco Offices – Waiver 366 - 2523 Hershel Street, Jacksonville 32204 - Issue: Vertical accessibility to the second floor:


Mr. Vogel presented the waiver.   He advised that the Council recommended deferring the request for additional information.  Mr. Vogel advised the Commission that this application may have exceeded the cost threshold for economic hardship.


Art Barthlow was present representing the owner and provided a brief background on the project.


Commissioner Schilling entered a motion to grant the waiver based on economic hardship.  Commission Worrall seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 23 to 0.