Florida Building Commission


Technical Advisory Committee



June 6, 2014 at 9:30 A.M.


Meeting was held via teleconference/webinar:


Teleconference: 1-888-670-3525  Code: 6062326940

public point of access: Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Northwood Centre, Suite 90, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 487-1824


TAC Objectives

SPECIAL OCCUPANCY TAC Members Present: Chairman; Darryl Phillips, Hubert Baxter, Mark Boutin,  Gene Chalecki, Ken Cureton, Frank Frail, Charles Frank, Bob Vincent, Wayne Young.

SPECIAL OCCUPANCY TAC Members Absent: James Ginas

Guests Present: Larry Dickey, Rick Hilburn, David Karins

Staff Present:Mo Madani, Marlita Peters, April Hammonds, Jim Richmond, Jim Hammers, Zubeyde Binici, Robert Benbow, Joe Bigelow, Ila Jones

Objective – To consider, discuss and provide recommendations for consideration by the Commission on a request for Declaratory Statement.


Meeting Minutes


Review of objectives will include the following: 

Description of issue, discussion by TAC, public comment, TAC action.


Welcome and Opening Remarks were provided as to meeting protocol.


Roll Call was taken and a quorum was present with all but one member.


Review and Approval of Meeting Agenda – Motion by Mark Boutin, seconded by Ken Cureton to accept the agenda as posted.  Unanimous approval.


Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes of April, 2014 – Motion to approve by Ken Cureton, seconded by Mark Boutin.  Unanimous approval.


Review and make recommendation to the Commission regarding:

DS2014-057, petitioned by David G. Karins, Karins Engineering Group, Inc.

Staff Analysis  WITHDRAWN by petitioner as stated by April Hammonds.


Discuss and recommend potential research topics for consideration by the Commission.

Ken Cureton provided a potential topic as to retrofitting existing historic fenestration components with impact resistance that would comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for historic preservation.  Mr. Cureton specifically noted section 1103.2, 1103.5 and 1103.6 of the (Florida Building )-Existing Building Code, which references Appendix B indicating what the Secretary’s requirements are in protecting and maintaining architectural components of windows from a historic standpoint.  The standard referenced is titled, “THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR'S STANDARDS FOR


HISTORIC BUILDINGS”. The main focus of this research would be to determine what methods or materials could be utilized to provide for the FBC code required protections for fenestrations in the windborne debris areas, including the HVHZ area, without losing the historic integrity of the structure.  This would assist design professionals and contractors throughout the state who work on historic projects and would standardize practices. 


Mr. Madani suggested that the Secretary’s Standards be reviewed and begin with making changes in that document that allow for more flexibility, then follow up with appropriate code changes in the Florida Building Code to allow for that same flexibility. 


Motion to move forward this recommendation to the Commission to provide research on the methods of retrofitting existing historic components for impact resistance that comply with the Secretary’s Standards referenced in section 1103.2, sub-section 6 of the Florida Building Code-Building for this project by Ken Cureton, seconded by Hubert Baxter.  Roll call vote was taken with 7 yes – 2 no votes.  This passes and will be carried forward to the next meeting of the Florida Building Commission to be held June 20, 2014, in St. Augustine.



Other Commission business – none.


Public Comment - None


Member Comment -


Schedule next meeting – to be determined.


Adjournment. Motion to adjourn by Wayne Young, seconded by Frank Frail. Chair called adjournment at: 10:10am.




Staff Contacts: Marlita Peters, Marlita.peters@myfloridalicense.com, (850) 922-6864; Mo Madani, mo.madani@myfloridalicense.com

Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Office of Codes and Standards, 1940 N. Monroe Street, Suite 90, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0772 or call 850-487-1824.