Comments received regarding Rule 9B-13.0071 as of June 1, 2009: Cost Effectiveness of Amendments to Energy Code:

(1) Comments received from the “Florida Energy Code Workgroup” as adopted at the April 30, 2009 meeting and amended at the May 28, 2009 meeting.

The rule should use the following definitions and economic parameters:

1.Definition of Consumer (Residential and Commercial): A class of economic system participant that makes no distinction between the owner of the building and the utility rate payer.

2.Mortgage interest rate (Commercial): the greater of the most recent 5-year average and 10-year average simple interest rate for fixed-rate, 30-year mortgages computed from the Primary Mortgage Market
Survey (PMMS) as reported by Freddie Mac, rate plus 2%.

3.Mortgage down payment (Commercial): 20%.

4.For the internal rate of return (IRR) on investments (Commercial), a value equal to 7%.