Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee

Miami Lakes Florida

May 26, 2007



Voting Members Present:

Bob Andrews, Larry Banks, Steve Bassett, Joe Crum, Betsy Goll, Gary Griffin, Daniel Griffin, Mike McCombs, Don Pittman, and Pete Quintela.


The meeting was convened at 10:30 a.m. by Chair Steve Bassett. A quorum of ten voting members was achieved. Both the Agenda and minutes from the 5/7/07 meeting were approved.


Meeting Activities:


The TAC reviewed SB 1822 requiring carbon monoxide alarms near sleeping rooms and took the following actions:


Commissioner Griffin stated that provisions for carbon monoxide alarms should be in the electrical code and recommended that language in the law be adopted in principle.

On a motion from Griffin, the TAC unanimously approved integration of language developed through the TAC into the electrical code.

On a motion from Quintela, the TAC unanimously voted that language in the electrical code be referenced from relevant places in the building code, the residential code, the mechanical, plumbing and fuel gas codes.


No comments relevant to approved mods were received, so the Mechanical TAC did not review comments. However, the TAC agreed that Chairman Bassett should pull Mods 1972, 2382 and 2055 from the consent agendas because those mods were superceded by the requirements of SB 1822.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.