June 25, 2007 minutes





The Accessibility TAC was called to Order at 3:05 by the Chairman, Jeff Gross. The following TAC members were present:

Peter Tagliarini , Sharon Mignardi , Neil Melick , Larry M. Schneider . Soy Williams, James “JR” Harding , William “Bill” Norkunas , Bemmie Eustace

DCA staff present: Bruce Ketcham, Jim Richmond and Ila Jones


Pre-discussion on minutes for future accessibility minutes as reported by staff. Minutes are to model minutes as recorded by the Educational TAC, not as long, but more detailed than previous minutes as submitted by the Accessibility TAC. The TAC agreed with suggestion


Set Agenda. Agenda was accepted as proposed.


The TAC reviewed minutes of the May 7, 2007 meeting and approved as submitted.


DCA staff reviewed the 2 Hour Training Course with input from the TAC and will make changes to the document for the August meeting. If the committee agrees with edits, slide additions and other modifications, a recommendation will be made to the Commission to proceed with accreditation of this advanced accessibility course. Note: TAC reviewed added and modified all slides as needed.


The committee discussed the potential Charette for Detectable Warnings, after discussion and deliberation it was concluded that this issue might work itself out and shelved the issue for later consideration, no action taken at this time.


DCA staff person Bruce Ketcham discussed the status of the Update on Hotel Charette and again explained the delaying of this project due to the 2007 development of the Code. A compromise was reached by a report on progress by October and a tentative Charatte date set at the December 2007 Commission meeting. Staff will update any fast tracking (if possible) at the August meeting.


Larry Schneider and Bemmie Ustus presented to the TAC their “Straw Vote” Accessibility questions and concerns as indicated on the June agenda, however, legal advised that this was beyond the scope and charge of the TAC, the Chairman then instructed the exercise to end. After further discussion with legal it was decided to put this item on the agenda for the August meeting for “Code discussion purposes only”.


Discussion of Legislation and Possible Action. J.R. Harding proposed a motion, which was approved, for the Staff to be proactive on Van only accessible parking issue. Larry Schneider proposed a motion which was approved that the Florida statues be modified to remove the restriction on accessibility interpretations by the Commission.


The discussion of Modifications to Chapter 10, FBC will be placed on the agenda for August as Legal informed the committee there was still time to suggest changes if taken place during the August meeting.


Set August 2007 agenda. The following issues were decided to be put on the agenda for the August meeting:


•  Accessibility Code issues for “discussion only”, relative to the Straw vote issues taken up at the June meeting in Miami .


•  Legislative issues to be updated, legal to report


•  Presentation to the TAC on the 2 hour advanced Accessibility Course as refined by the committee and staff. The product to be forwarded to the Commission as an action item at the August meeting.


•  Hotel Charette progress will be reported to committee.


Public Comment.

