-----Original Message-----

From: Vicki Keefer [mailto:lvvince@netzero.net]

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:20 AM

To: Governor Rick Scott

Subject: Window Laws

From: Vicki Keefer <lvvince@netzero.net>

County: Duval

Zip Code: 32224


Message Body: I am a senior citizen living on a low fixed income. I need new windows for my home but with the laws governing homes just west of the Intercoastal they are incredibly expensive. Why? Why am I to be collateral damage for the laws favoring window/door contractors? I need new windows to keep out water and drafts but the state has it fixed so I will NEVER be able to afford them!!! WHY?


-----Original Message-----

From: kirk [mailto:kirk610@embarqmail.com]

Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 10:53 AM

To: Governor Rick Scott

Subject: [Spam:***** SpamScore] new wind codes for windows

From: kirk <kirk610@embarqmail.com>

County: Leon

Zip Code: 32303


Message Body: gov,

People are already struggling to make their homes more energy efficient with new windows.  Now they will have to wait because the price has just gone up again because of a bunch of pencil heads that don't live in the real world.  The old codes for windows made their homes much more efficient and much much stronger for wind loads.  Now small window companies like me will have to spend a ton of money to comply with all the new testing and code regulations, not to mention that window prices from the manufacturer will also go up.  I am a little late coming to the complaint department but we need to do something about these unnecessary regulations that are making it harder and harder for small business to function and harder and harder for homeowners to do simple home improvements.  These new codes are going to prevent many Florida homeowners from making their homes more energy efficient.  Which is more important to the state? Energy efficiency or stronger regulations for wind!

The old codes haven't even been tested in the real world with a strong hurricane.  Stop the madness!!!  Let's put legislation through to dial back these crazy new wind codes so that Florida citizens can do some simple home repair affordably.  Lastly, do you realize in Leon County it costs over $100 to pull a permit to replace 1 window.  Over $200 to do your entire home.  This needs to be addressed.  Thanks for your time, Kirk