May 5, 2008


            The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. with the following present:  Members Jeff Gross, Chairman, Jeff Gross, Bemmie Eustace, Sharon Mignardi, Jack Humburg, Kiko Franco, Pam Dorwarth, Randy Vann and Barbara Page.  The minutes of the March 17th meeting were approved and the agenda was set.


Update on Hotel Charette:  Lengthy discussion and proposed suggestions were considered concerning the parameters for the charette.  The following were voted on and will establish the framework for the project.


            The groups will focus on three rooms –a single, a deluxe and a suite with designs limited to the problems encountered in alterations only.


            May 19th was set as the deadline for TAC members submitting the names of additional persons to be considered as participants.


            December 8th was set as the date for the charette.


            A minimum of three to four teams of five will participate consisting of architects, interior designers, representatives of disabled persons and other interested parties.  Staff will assemble lists of recommended persons and the TAC will set the teams at the June meeting.


            Update on Glitch Cycle:  Staff has reviewed Chapter 11 for potential glitches that nay resolved during the cycle and urged the TAC members to also examine the code to see if there are additional corrections that need to be made.


            Consideration of Potential Online Training Course:  FSU can take the existing advanced training course and modify it for online usage.  If this occurs, the TAC will review proposed questions asked at the conclusion of the course.  The TAC was undecided whether such a program would be worthwhile, as a number of other online providers offer this service.  Further review will contine.


            Discussion of Review of ABA/ADA Guidelines:  The guidelines may be accepted within the year and the TAC discussed how best to incorporate the Florida-specific standards that exist in the current code.  Further discussion will continue following review of the side by side comparison of the current ADAAG guidelines and ABA/ADA.


            The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.