Florida Building Commission

Product Approval/Manufactured Buildings

Program Oversight Committee (POC)



November 29, 2011

2:30 P.M.


2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Room 250L

Tallahassee, FL 32399


Product Approval Program Oversight Committee members present:  Ed Carson, Chair, Herminio Gonzalez, Chris Schulte, Jeffrey Stone, Tim Tolbert, and Nicholas Nicholson

DBPR and Commission Staff attending included:  Ila Jones, Mo Madani, Suzanne Davis, Jeff Blair, Leslie Anderson-Adams and Ted Berman. 


1.                  The Meeting was called to order at 2:30 P.M. by Chairman, Ed Carson. The agenda was approved as read.  The September 2011 Minutes was approved.


2.                  Product Approval Program issues


A.     Staff presented the Product Approval Entities and Statistics Report (11/15/2011).


B.     Product Approval Administrator’s Survey – staff reported that there were three responses; all excellent.


C.     Product Approval Enhancements/Status – Staff reported that the enhancements to the entity module of the Product Approval database has begun and testing will take place in the near future.  The Chairman requested that staff provide a list of enhancements to the committee at the December meeting with updates on what has been done.


3.                  Discussion Items:


A. Validator Checklist Request by Warren Schaefer, P.E. – to accept scanned copy of validator checklist in place of mailed hard copyStaff acknowledged that this issue needs to be resolved; however there have not been very many complaints.  This option, along with a few others is being reviewed and will require a rule change to implement (9N-3.006.4(d)). Staff is addressing this issue with the new enhancements to the BCIS, which should resolve the problem.     


B.   Clarification on the Impact of ASTM E 1886/1996-06 edition on Applications for Self-Affirmation – Guest speaker, Dick Wilhelm from WDMA and FMA, introduced this issue to the POC.  The suggestion was to open Rule 9N-3.015 for a rule change to address equivalency of standard between ASTM E 1996 – 06 and other editions of this standard.  After discussion, the POC made a motion and seconded to request that the Commission open Rule 9N-3.015 to allow equivalency of standard to be addressed with regard to ASTM E 1996.


C.  Update on the Spacer Issue – Ted Berman reported on those manufacturers that have not responded to the inquiries.  The POC made a motion and seconded to postpone the revocation process until day 61 for applications FL12126, FL12543 and FL13055-R0. Ted Berman will report on these applications at the next POC meeting.


D.  Update on the Roof Fan Issue – Ted Berman reported that all applications are in compliance and no action from the POC is required.


E.  Update on the Florida Board of Engineers Report on FL14239-R1-BMP International, Inc. – Staff reported that the application had been revised but is awaiting validation.  Mr. Ben Meng reported that the 2010 code requires a bare bone testing and they are anticipating that test to be completed by December 16, 2011.  The POC made a motion and seconded to extend the deadline to have the application completed for the January/February Commission Meeting. 


4.         Ted Berman & Associates Report – Products and entities were reviewed and approved.

Recommendations were provided.   DBPR approved products were made available on the agenda as required by rule and no comment was raised at the meeting regarding those products.


5.         Adjourn – Meeting adjourned at 4:14 P.M.

Actions Needed by the Commission:



  1. Ted Berman and Associates report – Products and entities were reviewed and approved. Recommendations were provided.


    1. POC Action:  The Committee recommends that legal staff proceed with the process of revocation for product applications FL12427, Parex USA, Inc. and FL14171, Norse, Inc.


    1. POC Action:  The Committee recommends the products and entities listed in the Administrator’s report be approved, deferred, conditionally approved or denied as per voted on by the Committee.


    1. POC Action:  The Committee requests that the Commission open Rule 9N-3.015 to allow equivalency of standard to be addressed with regard to ASTM E 1996.