

Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee


March 23, 2009

2:00 p.m.


Voting Members:

Bob Cochell for Bob Andrews, Larry Banks, Steve Bassett for Scott Mollan, Joe Crum, Elizabeth Goll, Dan Griffin, Gary Griffin and Donny Pitmann.


Facilitated by Jeff Blair.  

Staff present: Ann Stanton, Mo Madani, Rick Dixon

Others identified to be on teleconference:  Tom Ford, Jack Glenn

The teleconference code number was changed at the last minute, so some TAC members were not able to join the meeting.



1. The meeting was called to order, the TAC reviewed and unanimously approved the agenda and the 2/2/09 minutes.  A quorum was achieved with 8 voting members.


2. Reviewed the request for declaratory statement DCA09-DEC-009 by Tom Ford of Bhamani, Ford & Associates, Inc, as amended. 


Committee Action:  Pittman moved to approve staff recommendations regarding DCA09-DEC-009, seconded, unanimously approved as follows:

Question #1:            Floor area of warehouse space for a retail store is 1250 SF x .04 = 50 SF. 

An over head door is 10’ x 16’ = 160 SF, therefore no mechanical ventilation to bring outside air to the storage area is required, or no additional louvers in the exterior wall are required because 50 SF is less than 160 SF.

Does this comply with the intent of section 402.2 Ventilation Area Required?


Answer:       Yes.  The size of the openable area “160 SF” to the outdoors does comply with the intent of Section 402.2 of the FBC, Mechanical.


Question #2:  If there are no windows or doors to the outside then mechanical ventilation of 62.5 CFM minimum would be required for this un-air conditioned space:  1250 SF x 0.05 CFM/SF = 62.5 CFM.

                        Does this comply with the intent of Table 403.3 Required Outdoor Ventilation Air?


Answer:       Yes.  Mechanical ventilation of “62.5 CFM” does comply with the intent of Table 403.3 of the FBC, Mechanical for a 1250 square foot warehouse.


3. No new business was discussed.

4. The meeting was adjourned unanimously at 2:13 pm.


Note:  This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact the Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-2100 or call 850-487-1824.