Rule Development Workshop on Rule 9B-3.047 Florida Building Code –

Energy TAC Comments


1.          Fla/Res Changes Needed: 

Changes needed to the EnergyGauge USA Fla/Res program include treatment of multiple heating fuel types, water heater energy use in additions where bedrooms are not added, water heater location, addition of multiple water heaters and multiple duct systems, and a number of “bug” fixes.


2.         Fla/Com Changes Needed:

Changes needed to the EnergyGauge Summit Fla/Com program include correcting the user interface to show the right lighting LPD, consistent use of HVAC equipment descriptors, fix data set error for constant volume air conditioning and heat pump systems (<65,000 Btu/h) to change baseline SEER from 12 to 13, adding a conversion factor to treat how systems using SEER receive an energy input ratio, baseline system assignment of PTACs for high rise residential, and a number of “bug” fixes. 


Change baseline equipment in EnergyGauge Summit Fla/Com to reflect the minimums in Table 6.8.1D of ASHRAE 90.1-2004. Request a written clarification of the exception to section 11.3.2.a of ASHRAE 90.1 and utilize that clarification in the 2010 edition of the Florida Building Code.


3.         Revise Form 1100B to Clarify Treatment of Small Additions:

Staff described minor fixes needed to Form 1100B-08, including scoping criteria, a date issue and changes needed to reflect code criteria for additions of 600 s.f. or less on the form.