Strategic Plan Criteria For Future Development of the  FBC, Energy Conservation  Edition As Approved by the Commission for the 2010 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation and Modified In Accordance with the 2011 HB 849.


1. The Strategic Plan must implement s.553.9061 (1), F.S., scheduled increases in the Code’s

energy performance standard.

Section 553.9061(1), Florida Statutes, was repealed (2011 HB 849).


2. The Strategic plan must consider cost effectiveness of the incremental changes in efficiency

required by the Code (s.553.9061(3), Florida Statutes).


Section 553.9061(3), Florida Statutes, was repealed (2011 HB 849).


3. The Strategic Plan must implement s.553.73 (6) (a), F.S., selection of the IECC as a

foundation code and its modification to maintain the efficiencies of the Florida Energy

Efficiency Code for Building Construction, s.553.901, F.S.


4. The Strategic Plan must implement s.553.9061 (2), F.S., requiring the Code to recognize

including energy efficiency performance options and elements including but not limited to:

Solar water heating; Energy efficient appliances; Energy efficient windows, doors and

skylights; Low solar absorption roofs/cool roofs; Enhanced ceiling and wall

insulation; Reduced leak duct systems; Programmable thermostats; and Energy

efficient lighting systems.


Section 553.9061(2), Florida Statutes, was repealed (2011 HB 849).


5. The Strategic Plan should identify compliance methods with the best potential for complying

with the schedule for increasing efficiency standards.


Repealed (2011 HB 849). 


6. The Strategic Plan should be adaptable for all potential mandated efficiency performance

standard increase schedule.


Repealed (2011 HB 849). 


7. The Strategic Plan should allow flexibility for builders to choose different ways to adapt their



8. The Strategic Plan should provide flexibility appropriate to product innovation.


9. The Strategic Plan should provide for easy measurement and demonstration of compliance

with the energy efficiency increases required by s.553.9061, F.S.


Repealed (2011 HB 849). 


10. The Strategic Plan should require that compliance meets an equivalent energy standard

regardless of the compliance method.