Florida Building Commission

February 21, 2014

St. Augustine, Florida

Declaratory Statement Legal Report


DS 2013-123 by Garland Patterson, PE

Mechanical TAC

Determination was made that the request is general in scope and does not meet the declaratory statement criteria for the specific set of facts and circumstances.  The TAC recommended that the request be denied.

DS 2014-002 by Gulf Coast Supply and Manufacturing, LLC.


Roofing TAC

Question 1:

To the question #1: Does Table 153.2 set forth the minimum thickness requirements used on metal roof systems, even though thinner metal roofing panels are acceptable per Table 1507.4(3)?

Answer: Yes.  Table 1503.2 is specific to the type and gage of flashing that it is to be utilized and does not differentiate based on types of roof covering to be used.

Question 2:

To the Question #2: Do what we in the industry call “Trims” (eve drips, wall trims, ridge caps, preformed valleys, etc.) qualify as flashings, seeing they are always installed at the locations listed in 1503.2.1?

Answer:  Yes.  As long as the items in question are covered within the scope of section 1503.2 of the Florida Building Code, Building.